Players are leaving this game. Why probably?

dont worry babe, ill protect you! ive got a nice knuckle sandwich here for him.

This is a big part of why I am finding it very hard to re-engage with the game after taking any time off. This new setup forces you not only to play every week but you play many matches every week in order to stay in a clan. Unproductive members get dumped, donā€™t you know?

I tried to play again, but quickly realized every time I take a break, I am a week or more out from receiving any real rewards. I will never be a guy who plays multiple days every week.

When you consider the rumors of the Chinese servers, Australian servers, and others being shut down, it makes the plus 57 look even sillier.

Imagine you have two classrooms. There are 50 people in each classroom. Then, you take everyone out of one of those classrooms and shuffle them into the other classroom with the other 50. Now you have one classroom with 100 people in it, right? That is what has apparently been happening with these servers.

If that is the case, and it certainly seems to be so, this gameā€™s player base is in a dramatic free fall.


I canā€™t speak for anybody else, but the biggest reason Iā€™m considering leaving is this:

I havenā€™t had premium since they went to cross clowns and it really annoys me. Iā€™m tired of the gimped ways they try to pry every last dollar out of me.