Players have gotten good at dodging/countering porcupines at low ps

Yea It is like this at all sub 10k powerscores. Before clan confrontation came i use to get strings of 2 to 3 k matches with just 2 porcs at sub 9k ps but not these day’s however. Anyone with mgs or autocannons know the drill of shooting the porcs has they’re being launched to get them to explode on myself and you can tell they got experience doing it. I’m not complaining just stating an interesting observation. Their should be a tutorial about porc counters for new players to look up.


Porcs are only good for farming bad players or slow players. As an Omni player they do not give me trouble even in CQC.


I finds porcs most effective at higher powerscores nowadays especially around the 12-13k area. The builds tend to be larger/slower on average and thus easier to hit, plus the bots are slower. Any one playing sub 10k is too battle hardened from clan confrontation and most definitely got experience facing the most popular relic in clan confrontation which is porcs.