Players that leave matches should be replaced by bots

As the title states, I think it would be fairer if bot would replace players that leave matches and cause imbalances and can leave you 3v4 or 5v6 making it much harder to win just because someone is rage-quitting.
Could, or should, this be implemented?


lately ive been getting disconnected from unknown error and its always before big updates, which makes no sense cuz i have my xbox wired in so disconnected from server should not happen unless its the game server it self

first ten seconds when the match starts would be fair.
i seen this many times,me as one of them lol.
i quit if 1 player quits in cc, but u can’t have bots.but you could grab someone else in a Que.

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Yes, I’ve played on so many 2-man teams on Steel-match soccer whatever. It sucks.

Oh yeah, I’ve had that happen too, still managed to squeak a win though haha

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its called skill lol most dummies that play now dont have that especially on consoles which is why i hardly play anymore aa nd ct op’s skill nd its annoying if the 2 things werent added these no brains wouldnt be playing nd us real skilled players will still have actual fun

They should try to make their game popular, so it doesn’t matter. It’s only a problem because of the tragic and punitive waiting times for matches. When queue times are brief, I think it’s almost entirely inconsequential. I don’t actually experience this enough to believe it requires attention.

I can acknowledge that this is often an issue in poorly conceived brawls where scoring and rank is essential. It should be dealt with in those cases by using better concepts, IMO.