Point system needs to change

[quote=“Xbox_M_420, post:20, topic:22362, full:true”]
Touting just a 2.2kd in arguably the worst and least played CoD game is pretty cringe
Ok mr brag cause your the one that does most the bragging in almost every thread i sees you on what is your definition of a good kd in cod? 13.6?

about bf3 mines 2.24 in that game too, you think bf3 bad too cause if it is than any game i list out will be bad no matter what i says

No hun you don;t get it, both the kd and the game are garbage talking points lmao

I did have a 7.6 in bf4 i guess

Thats your version/definition of a talking point lmfao

Ok mr brags good for you, but you have a 0.2 kd in humbleness, lowest on the forum i dear say

I don’t want nor need to be humble

I know thats why i don’t like you, now go back to your yes men on reddit

being a hover, porcs are the last thing i worry about, especially non-hover ones. unless im defending wheeled teammates

The good old days, bringing me back to when I cared about K/D when I was a child


Go back to brag town moron, ill go there with yea too to those good old days mr braggit

That is also some of my more bad gameplay, i had loads of footage but cleaned out my hard drive few months ago. I got way better after that game, wish i didn’t delete all that footage but didn’t think id be having a toot your own horn contest with some random on the internet later on down the road.

why cant he brag about some kd, he didnt bring up cod metrics first

I tend to just go for the “all weapon camos” camo for unlocking every camo in the game in CoD. After dropping 100s of nukes in MW2 then doing the same in MW3 and sweating it out in BO2 S&D I guess I had to push myself a bit further.

I also don’t have much old old footage which kinda sucks, but I do remember this was the day my friend told me there was a camo doing all the headshot camos -

I feel like I have some footage somewhere, I may not have saved it though… I got the dark matter for BO4 before it was finished and it was bright pink

The day I got the chrome (all camos, camo) in WW2 and accidentally got the V2 rocket thinking I was just calling in some paratroopers or something -

Right? He brought it up after all

You realize i had sidenote written next to it not main note. The main topic was strategy not the kd in and of itself, the kd was posted just to add credentials to my claims. Think of it as going to a detntist and before you get your tooth extracted you would like to see his masters degree so you can take said dentist seriously. I never meant for the kd to be the certain of attention but guess you missed the SIDENOTE i had written there because arguing over stats is in your blood.

But out of everything i said that is the one thing you zeroed in on which says more about yourself and your so called lack of humbleness which is what you told me so it don’t surprise me that you bypassed the actual meat and potatoes of my cod strategy and how it ties into my playstyle in crossout.

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I mean if it’s about strategy I was 10th in EU on Pubg.

I even had some wild stats in Fortnite while we waited ha

Screen Shot 2020-07-15 at 16.47.59

Then there’s Overwatch where I’ve had top 500 in EU too, quite a bit of strategy there

Second highest rank on R6 at the time as well, quite a good strategy shooter compared to CoD’s braindeadness

Used to get pretty decent times in Forza time trials too

Sidenote: You still didn’t do much in your Crossout match

Well guess what the meat and potatoes in that post you just made is about you, your past stats and thats it nothing was said that was helpful to anything or anyone but your own ego. You didn’t list out any strategies, how one game ties into the other etc etc no nothing besides toot your own horn. When I made my post the core focus of the subject matter was on the gameplay itself and my strategies used that’s the difference. Basically no substance but what do you expect from someone that says this.

It is kind of like me saying that I can play guitar really good over and over but not doing any performances or making any music to listen to back it up. I can flaunt my 100 average that i got in high school music all want and my music scholarship but people want to hear the music first and foremost, the music degree is just to be taken seriously by would be music students, the degree in and of itself is not and nor should be the main focal point.

So what’s next there mr.brags? wanna flaunt and show off high school report cards now?

I refuse to support any game mode using the defunct point loss system. Not as if the lack of my participation is going to affect anything but.