* Poll..Same Bots on each Team? 💙

  • yes i’d like the same bots on both teams for balance.
  • no i dont really play the game i just play in the forum
  • i don’t really know why i’m here

0 voters


It’s just a good way for them to give less than adequate matchmaking, fill it with bots of various PS to make it look more fair… lazy


I’m curious to know why they aren’t the same, and what logic they use to decide how and why they are different…sounds complicated.

Seems like perhaps they use a variety of builds and sort them for matches in an attempt to make the matches more even, but then that would insinuate that they have and use mechanisms to manipulate or influence the outcome of matches. If half of both teams are bots (usually are), then that seems like a lot of potential influence.

When bots start bulls-eyeing you from across the map as soon as the bell rings, what is the vanilla excuse for that, coincidence? Just your lucky day? Paranoid delusion? What am I supposed to believe is the trigger for that, supposing that’s a reality and not just a fever dream or brain tumor?

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I think some of it is an attempt to balance things out. Often if there is a higher PS player there will also often be a bot around that PS too. Same with lower PS players.


And there should be vote for delete OP retchers bots and replace them for auroras/machineguns or treshers/triggers. Its really disgusting for me “See how retchers bots shoot 1 salve of granades a kill it half of my vehicle panzer build”

because it takes 1 retcher bot to wipe out all bots.

i’d rather have the same bots on both sides.
not to hard to do this.

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Especially as they somehow broke all the cannon bots… if you get 1 or 2 of those and the enemy get retcher, thyrsus etc then it gets real stupid


I think they mostly need to fix the cannon bots.

Mirrored bots would be nice, but I don’t think we have a big enough playerbase for that at the moment. It looks to me that they use bots of different PS to balance out the total team PS. Mirrored bots would only work if we had enough players to have narrower PS ranges.

But this conversation gave me an idea for a thread, so I’m going to post that now.

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They do but if they’d wait an extra 15-30 seconds I’m sure there’s enough players, they just force fast matches too hard.

I wish you were right, but at some PS ranges the wait times are already close to being too long for me, and too many matches are half bots.

I will say that mid PS seems to be the busiest range by far, whereas I used to find that I got quicker matches with less bots in high PS.

I’m actually surprised that since the console merger, I haven’t seen much improvement in bot numbers or wait times. I wonder if they tried to make the matchmaker pick from a smaller range now that we’re joined up?

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It felt like they tightened the PS ranges for matchmaking, but that just grabs more bot lobbies, sadly. I feel like I was more happy playing 9k vs 13k than 9k vs 10k and half bots.

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Yeah, I never really minded the big PS spreads.
Although weren’t you one of the ones who complained about that a lot?
I know a lot of people were really mad about big PS spreads.

I mean when we would get the ones where the enemy were 14-15 and we were 9k it got a little stupid

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this game has too mirror bots for both teams (regardless of the MM being retarded)

mirror the highest ps bots to the other team if that is the case…
at least we still have a game we can play…
(they usually do give us the higher ps bots)
but its all about (having the same bots on each team),mirror them from the high ps of the player.easy enough.

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The only issue I have with bots are when they are running four relics and nobody else on either team has relics.

Not a very strong argument, because bot PS says nothing about bot effectiveness.
Mirrored bots is the only fair choice.

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