Since the forum might be ending soon, I thought this might be my last chance to complain about the game.
I’ve often been accused of secretly working for the devs, and I’m sure my relentless positivity has been very annoying for some of you.
So it might surprise some that I actually do have frustrations with the game. Here they are, in case this is my last chance to complain:
Slow unlocking of structure parts. I have everything now, but it took forever, and I think more new players would stick with the game if they could get an earlier taste of the creative possibilities of building.
Storage space is too limited, and too expensive to unlock more.
Range building should have more of a purpose. Why introduce this mechanic and give us all these parts, if you’re not going to develop it further? Hopefully they’re working on a way for us to build maps for the custom brawls.
Adventure needs an update, and could really become something great. Sad they don’t seem interested in it, as it’s the first thing new players experience.
Clan Wars should be better. It should be something I would want to be involved in, and it’s just not appealing to me for many reasons. Thankfully CC and UR are giving me my competitive fix.
Why don’t we have a death race mode? Seems like no brainer for this kind of game. I know we can make things like that in custom brawls (and I have), but ideally it would be always available. Make it preset blueprints, so that it’s accessible to people who don’t want to give up a blueprint slot.
Adding aircraft and mech legs without fully integrating them. I worry that relegating them to arcade mode will just lead to them dying off and getting forgotten. Hopefully I’m wrong, because I’m glad they added them.
Mass balance has too much impact on handling. Needs to be dialed back a bit. I’m having to scrap too many cool looking cars because their handling is so bad. Mostly a problem for fast cars.
120 kmh speed limit. Need more speed.
I want to be able to sort my storage so that I will only see the items that take up storage space, so that I can figure out what to get rid of when I need to free up space.
I’m sure I can think of some other things that bug me, and I’ll keep adding as I come up with them.
Adventure /Awakening map .
Being Crossout’s lore & story line revolves around the Adventure / Awakening map. The proverbial “Heartbeat” of the game One would think keeping the lore & story line up to date would be a necessity . If they were actually serious about the life of this game. . Is Adventure / Awakening a money maker? Some say no. However if paying clients are or not into a games lore & story line and the developers don’t maintain it , What makes them believe this game is in their best interest for investing into if the simple aspects are not maintained?
Maintain the Lore & story line in Adventure of ALL aspects and developments that have come about over the years.
Just as not taking the trash out because your done with the contents and forget about it… It lingers & begins to ferment.
I suspect one of the reasons they haven’t updated Awakening yet is because of how big of a project it would be, and that they’re still adding so much to the game.
Ideally they would add new content to Awakening as they add new content (like aircraft and mech legs), but because most of us have already done the whole thing, it would go unseen by most.
One way to change that would be that when new elements are added, everyone is prompted to complete the new tutorial mission before accessing those new parts/elements. So instead of the little video thing that some BPs get launched with, it’s a little mini Awakening mission.
But at this point, so much has changed that rebuilding Awakening from scratch might be needed, and I don’t think convincing vets to redo Awakening is realistic, even if it’s completely new content.
i believe that it can be. it just needs more tlc and time put into it. needs more things to do and whatnot. i honestly hope that they do take some time to add more to it and do more with the mode because its a shame they abandoned it so fast.
My biggest complain is the retarded take on physics and realism this game seems to have, like they screwed over the driving with supercharged because they wanted more realism to the driving, but then we have bullet weapons blasting off parts with way more efficiency than explosions, frontal mandrakes were instantly fixed while sideways hovers were left alone for years, wedging was a big problem and still is, pushing instantly cripples builds, in cases where realistically the build getting pushed should not be crippled by the build pushing it, endlessly favoring stupid changes and slapping on things nobody asked for like helis and more battle passes and milking more and more money rather than fixing any of the things people repeatedly complain about, the list just goes on and on as you keep thinking about it