(potentially) The Fastest thing in XO

I made a reaper-boosted helicopter with near-minimal weight, and got this image right before crashing in bedlam:

Check the speedometer: 910 km/h. I have yet to get over 1,000 km/h, but I feel like if it had more space to fly it could be doable. I might have to take off the 2 small fused ammo packs, but I’m not sure yet. If I can screenshot a 1,000+ km/h speedometer I will let you all know (if it goes up that high), but right now this is the best screenshot so far.


Someone claimed to reach 4,000 km/h on the “Way to the Top” map by driving in circles then diving straight down, although I doubt the validity. I have only ever gotten to about 700, and that was on “Ravager’s Foothold”, a fairly circular and large map. I’d suggest you try that one next.

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i think it might be possible to get to 1000 maybe a little over on the way to the top map. if you take a nose dive and fire reapers on the way down it may be possible due to gravity and the reapers boosting you.

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So I modified the previous heli to have 1 small ammo pack instead of 2, and replaced a buggy floor with that ammo pack, instead of having the ammo slapped on the outside. I also tried changing the maple/impeller combo into a petrel, but that was slower for some reason. In the new bedlam map rn (Crater) I got this:

That is 26 km/h away from my goal of 1k, it’s so close.


I tried this in a custom battle with a friend of mine, but a bug prevented my from using my heli (I made another topic for that, and a bug report). So until they get that fixed imma have to wait for the actual bedlam map to be way to the top to try this. :sob:

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…So the over the top map didn’t work too well, the heli had issues going straight down with it’s rotor, and detaching the rotor wouldn’t show the speed. I added some wheels to show speed but the heli didn’t fly straight without a rotor. But it turns out I didn’t even need any of that. I actually did it!! :open_mouth:

How you may ask?? (JK lol ya’ll probably don’t really care, but imma tell you anyway) It turns out the “Harpy” Cabin I was using was 1000 Kg (not much for a cabin, but it could be better). I just happened to have a “Kronos” cabin from the red light brawl a while back due to it’s speed, and it was 420 Kg, less than half of the mass of Harpy. It also had a higher max speed with rotors/wheels (idk if that helped or not). So I put an asymmetrical cabin on my build for speed and hoped it wouldn’t cause issues in the mass distribution. After the first test, it was noticeably better, and I broke 1,000 km/h easily with the new cabin!! :open_mouth:


Congratulations Fuzz!!! :smiley:

You’ve made it further than I have…

Kronos is best light cabin, you can’t change my mind.

You should test out my “built for speed”, I think you have most of the parts. Really fun in next step

Sooooooooo… I was experimenting with an old meme build idea, and decided to make a spinner… that spins… super fast… as in like, over 1k km/h fast…

IDK how, but it broke my previous best speed, so I guess the heli is just obsolete now. :sob:

New best speed achieved!! (I might have got out of bounds in bedlam to do it though, please don’t ban me :sob: )

Just over 2000 km/h is 1250 mph :smiley:
This is just over 1.5 times the speed of sound. Pretty fast for a helicopter :laughing:

GO FASTER!!! sonic the hedgehog demands it!!!

you can go FASTER! slap a shit ton of rockets on that bitch and let it FLY!
btw do you know if boosters work on levis? if so you can slap a ton of them on a levi and break the sound barrier… times a thousand. well… thats if there isnt a limit to how fast the boosters can boost you.

there is a limit, 240 kph.

stupid limit but it eez what it eez

even if you use like 8 of them??

But not the fastest thing.

Which one is the fastest, the light or the thought?

yep, tops out at 240


yeah, they did it during the energy rework i think.

kinda sad but true

The limit has been there since before the 2.0 update.