Preformance issues with recent updates

Just wondering if anyone else is finding their game experience degrading with each update? FPS stutters and full lock-ups, especially with explosion effects. It’s been rather peculiar. First it was just a brief, like one frame hiccup now and then after an update in Feb. Now it is a full second or two of static screen after the latest update, the kind of thing that can decide a fight.

Yeah I have not been able to play the game after this recent update, the matches are unplayable. The moment any player, bot or myself fires any gun fps drop to anywhere 10-24 and game stutters for a split second every other second it feels like. For a past few days there were massive ping spikes as well, but none today, but the fps drop/frame freeze problem has gotten way worse today than the other days before it.

No idea what it is they have screwed up, I already play with the lowest graphic settings possible that still look passable, graphics on low all extra things turned off like tire marks, destruction physics, objects everything. Except for showing stickers on just your own car.

Would be real neat to play the game at some point rather than ramming teammates blindly and missing facehug distance shots because of how bad the game now suddenly performs, even driving around in bedlam does not work because of the stuttering/frame drop/suddenly teleporting against a wall or other player

ive noticed my aiming reticle jumping back to where it was originally aimed sometimes and i assumed that was from lag or something to do with the servers. this is on ps4 mind you.

The more you add to a game in the name of progress and vibrancy, the slower it’s going to run, especially when special effects are involved. Gaming companies expect their players to have the newest, fastest hardware, just to play…a game. Eventually the day comes when a player’s pc can no longer support the game, and then another veteran player is gone. :disappointed_relieved:

Experienced a little bit today, game sort of stopped for a few seconds in the middle of a fight then carried on as if nothing happened.

Didn’t notice anything yesterday

Tried to play a few minutes ago, FPS became nil, and I got one frame per like 3 second, until I was dead from rolling into the enemy team. I had task manager up, my CPU was violently red-lining at 100% during that.

This is just month removed from when I played Crossout with other programs running (Like the notoriously CPU-hungry Second Life cleint) without any notable performance issue. Now XO on it’s own chokes out my PC; they really messed up something with the game code.

Is it the game which is hogging the CPU, or some other software? Any chance a malicious program is running in the background?

Which mode were you playing? I’ll play the mode when I get back on (please don’t say it was CW!) and see if I have the same problem.

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The game is always very glitchy immediately before and after big updates. It will get normal again soon.

Crossout was devouring practically all of the CPU itself. Next highest was Firefox at only 7%, and that was a bit tab heavy.

And I’ve been getting the spikes in every mode, even Test Drive.

My chat resets, it says “Connection with the chat-server was lost”. Then it rejoins all my channels, and most times it even gets rid of all my previous messages. Then I have to say “My chat reset” in chat to everyone i was conversating with and it is really annoying. XO is the ONLY game with this error (among others), and it is really driving me nuts (and not the delicious kind). Please fix da servers. :sob:

I tried several modes and had no problems. Teron, you might try the solution I posted in this thread. Someone told me about it, and it seems to help.

Lets have a moment for those shall we? Ok. Done.
The ingame ps4 general chat buzz is, they love the upd8’s, but want more uranium wars.

I found a, while not full on solution, some help, on the PC. I was looking at the FPS readings a lot and noticed that they were getting unusually high, before the update I was in a normal 28-32 range, but now sometimes the reading seemed to go as high as 40 and wanted to pretend it was generally in the 38 range, and then drop to 10 and then 38 and then 12 again and so on. It feels that with this update, the game tries to push out way too many frames per second, causing the hickups and frame drops and freezes.

I went to the video settings and set active window fps limit, from the stock 120 setting, to a 35, and now my game ran a bit more steady. There were hickups still, but now it went from 30 to 20-24 rather than 40-38 to 10-12 so they were less bothersome than before. Still ping spikes and lag and all the fun stuff though, but now instead of the game straight up freezing for a second or more it is more of the usual normal on/off lag now.

So yeah, the thing that is possibly causing this performance issue after this specific update is that they made the game try to force out way more fps than before, turning it into a stuttering lagfest

Unplayable mess today

Guess im the only one with no issues and high frame rates… :man_shrugging:

I’m only experience minor lag on PS4. A little bit more than normal, but it didn’t ruin any matches.

Today the game was finally running smoothly, I did get 2 lag spikes all in all but I’ll take 5 matches 2 lag spikes over lag spikes every match ever 3-10 seconds any day of the monthweek

Just lost connection 3 times in 10 minutes, anyone else having problems today?

im having insane amounts of my aiming reticle skipping around. its skipping back to where it was originally pointed making my shots miss… its happening alot more then it was a few days ago… i got a ps5 now so maybe i should try it on there and see if the same thing happens there to. it might be my controller but i should check to be certain.