I didn’t get a screenshot before it vanished because I was in the racing brawl, but I got the message in the title during the battle. It didn’t even let me stay to view my stats and how good I did after the battle ended.
I’m trying my best to stay in my wheel, but idk why the servers are having issues. 
I wasn’t the only one, my friend @The_Purple_Snit said he was disconnected from a mission, and another guy in general chat said he had the same thing. What is happening? 
Darn hamsters are slacking off again…
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It wasn’t me this time, I swear!! 
did it to me during the christmas event, servers are dying fr
They might just be doing on-the-fly updates. I’ve seen these before, wouldn’t be too concerned. It’s the disconnects I get without warning, that are aggravating, like when I start a levi invasion and paid 40 fuel, and get bumped halfway through.
nice to see somebody other than me that plays invasion lol.
But yeah i don’t think it was an update, if you look at the bottom of the login screen you will see it was last updated on christmas. At least i think thats what it means.
They said that the sever issues were beyond their control, I think it has something to do with Gajin.
The server providers are having issues, it sounded like.