Prize draw issue

who else collected all the cats and didnt win anything. it makes no sense to me when xbox has no player base, it should be very unlikely too have 100 cats and win nothing with that fact in mind. i want too know how they picked winners

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Check the winners lists, if there are 1000, 500, 100 and 20 of them, respectively. If the playerbase is so small, you should be able to recognize a lot of the nicks. You could take screenshots just in case. I recorded the end of the fourth round on the PC, along with the detetermining of the winners phase and scrolling through the winners lists.

I didn’t win anything either. Submitted 40 paws, had 50 in my storage, delayed doing today’s challenges, and now the unused paws and the challenges are gone. I was testing how it works.

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Most winners are from ru sector so rather obviously winners been picked through entire xo playerbase of all platforms, which is big enough numbers to make almost everyone visiting this forum go emptyhanded and wasted time for nothing, yet we all will see market price devaluation, yey.

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As posted elsewhere. Devs be like

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It was a game of chance, Just as a state or national lottery the odds are you will get nothing out of it but an empty pocket. Unless its the draft lottery then you know your number will come up. (showing my age)

Funny thing is the mechanic “paws that won are withdrawn from competition” is supposed to be like “reduce chance of more win for those who already won”.
That would make sense if there were like thousand or two of people with 2-5 paws each, but with real numbers it doesn’t make any sense as even ~100 paws turned out to be giving barely any chance. Idk, the game and coding seems complicated job, but game management and balancing department look like complete idiots so many times…

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my clanmate won 5000 :saluting_face: Gratz!



Thank you… You know I stop contributing after reading the above stories about entering… I know this might make some people mad…

But… I only entered 36. I saw that I had to spend more to earn the little kitties, than I wanted.

I never expected to win…


Not mad at all, Actually happy for ya! Enjoy the bonus ! :sunglasses:
I am almost positive that my “Stirring the proverbial Pot” didn’t help my chances LMBO Oh well. rather be the squeaky wheel . :wink:

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And for those who want to see this is what it looks like:


Hello survivors!

I wanted to test this out and see what happened. I did not win anything and really did not expect to.

The next time one of these events shows up I will not participate. Waste of my time which is the most valuable commodity.

It maybe would have been nice to have a sticker or two. Maybe even a Decore item to show participation.

Oh well. Live and learn.



:thinking: I never thought of that . A constellation prize would have been a nice gesture for participation. (Please No everybody wins a blue ribbon remark please )


Too Late :crazy_face:
jk,we all should get a kitty decor for participating…show some love XO… :kissing_heart:
what’s the price going for ‘make believe stuff’ anyway? :thinking:

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LOL A gold plated cat turd deco LMBO :rofl:


I had forgotten that commercial!

I won 500c think I had like 35 or so paws.

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Exactly! Kind of ironic the people whom code this game and constantly balancing it due to being unbalanced is also coding a lottery… LMAO

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