Profiles need to be entirely private

First of all, I didn’t offend you, but you started offending.
I play correcly and i don’t need your judgement it’s people like you misbehave verbally and definitely in real life.
Learn politeness and respect before stuffing your mouth with the bullshit you say.
Good bye

Some of the best life-advice I ever heard came in the form of a warning…

Be very wary of anyone who is the hero in all of their own stories. If they don’t have at least a few stories where they’re the idiot, you’re either dealing with a moron or a narcissist. You want neither in your life.

Walk with the wise and become wise, for a companion of fools suffers harm.

Proverbs probably.

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Or they should have ifferutable evidence of all their heroic deeds :cowboy_hat_face:


I’ve been the hero in lots of my own stories.

I once also fell off three cliffs in a row, landed in a lake, broke my pelvis, back, left arm in multiple places… had almost all my clothes ripped off in the process & passed out from blood loss trying to make it to the nearest road all because I’m an idiot and like to hike on granite mountains in the rain. So, maybe not the hero we asked for, but… :clown_face: :upside_down_face: :rofl:


Ouch. Hope you lived after that :rofl: :rofl: Actually hope you didn’t suffer any long-term issues after that.

But still, evidence either should be present or one shall end their stories with a disclaimer “you can choose to not believe me”.

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“My people” have a saying… the more I tell the story, the better it gets. :rofl:

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I know what you mean and why the heck the forum is trying to tell me “don’t you want to send this user a personal message?”? I know it’s that forum engine thing but still, feels weird. Kinda like an invitation to some more intimate talk.

Either way, we’re off the topic. Which on itself has no meaning.



Mmm… Intimate talk!


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Either way you’re married (I assume that) :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: So we better not digress.


Yeah, but I identify as…

…an absolute clown.


I joke that I’m actually a hamster but it’s mostly because I have a habit of dragging things home and making piles of stuff. :smiley:


Did you just assume my honker? :clown_face:


@82888150 I see your point, but I believe you are exceptionally optimistic regarding the effects of religion on our perception of life. Every major religion might teach that life is sacred, that never prevented people from exterminating each others in God’s name. Some people out there believe life is so sacred, they’re ready to murder others in its name (pro-life movement). So I don’t really see the “life is sacred for religious folks” argument. They might suicide less, good for 'em. Still need numbers/stats on that. Besides that, it’s not because someone claims to be morally superior, that they necessarily are. I can guarantee you I have strong ethics that are shared by my unbelieving friends.

The purpose thing, heh. Maybe it’s because I’m an underachiever. Lots of people had purposes in history, and look where we are. Putin has a religious purpose, it’s to restaure the greatness of the othodox soviet empire. His orthodox leader henchman has a purpose, to wipe out gays from the face of the earth. I have no purpose in life, I’m a grain of sand, and you won’t see me organize ethnic cleansing or pogroms.
Religious folks like seeing a “purpose” everywhere, with their Grand Design theory and whatnot. I really don’t get it. A world where everything has a purpose/role to play and with no room for experimentation, that’s what sounds terrifying to me lmao, more than not having a purpose. :eyes:

Simply put, we never had irreligious societies, so claiming that anything good in our current society is the result of it being religious is kind of… I could make the same argument regarding everything bad in our society. People opress others because they believe they have a superior purpose because god = bam I explained everything bad in our society through religion.
Note that I do not believe “everything bad” in our society is the result of religion lmao. I just think Nietzche is a lil’ crying bitch :triumph: No, but seriously, aren’t the ubermensch atheist af? I though it was the whole point Nietzche was trying to make lol, that it was time for man to take his responsibility in his own hands and stop being a slave to others. I didn’t read Nausea, but I read No Exit from Sartre, and I’d say his stance is similar. We decide, we create our own purpose.

Let’s not go into politics. It leads to a bad type of debates

I find the “no politics” rule around anywhere kinda hilarious. Especially rn that we have a Victory Day event live…
I’m not the one threatening to turn London and Warsaw into an ocean of radioactive glass in the name of my god every Monday on TV lmao. This was relevant to the current discussion. This “no politics” rule is total :see_no_evil: :hear_no_evil: :speak_no_evil: bullshit lol.

Anyway we’re not supposed to discuss religion either. Everything is banned except discussion surrounding XO, but god damn this game is so boring and updated so slowly, who cares enough to type more than 5 lines about it nowadays?

I can bring a lot of examples from all sides of most conflicts, along with proofs, so let’s not delve in there.

This is not the forum about politics. This is the forum about a certain video game. The fact that this game is boring and has no content does not change rules here, on the forum.

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Ofc you can, the list of atrocities commited in the name of gods is as long as human history.

Feel free to report this post if its non-game content is unbearable for you. Not the first time I’ll get banned from this place lol.

I don’t really know what you want to achieve here by bringing up certain topics. Propagate your own views? This is neither the place nor the time. Tell us that some people are bad? Everyone is bad in their own way, some more than other.

We are mature people, we know that. At least I hope that we are mature (and not mindlessly gobble up fake news without doing any research first).

People here (mostly) have fun or critisize/praise/discuss the game. This is the purpose of this forum. If you want to bring up politics or religion debate, you’d better find an appropriate forum for that.

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