I unlocked the blueprint recently and crafted some to go with the one that come with the BP so that I can run the maximum of four. So far, I’m enjoying it more than I thought I would.
Anyone else playing them yet?
And does anything boost the reload speed? Didn’t seem like flywheel or cheetah did much, but I haven’t done any rigorous testing yet.
Also, what are you running them with?
So far I’ve been augmenting them with a Kapkan and a King, but I’m planning on seeing how they work with a Jobukko or two next.
If you actually trap a victim (which is tricky), they do more damage than I expected. Even got an MVP on my third match.
I’ve arranged mine so that they create a square cage when I launch all four simultaneously, but I’m thinking that using multiple triggers might work better.
I might unfuse the BP one when the unfuse event comes up, as having a shorter reload on only one screws me up more than it helps. Or if the price craters, I’ll just fuse them all.
My biggest complaint is only being able to run four of them. If they don’t change that limit, I’d rather they cost more energy and be able to spit out more than two at a time.
If more than one player is running them, do their stakes connect to mine if we drop them in the same area?
Do you think that means that hertz and R-type both buff it?
I guess I was correct to use cheetah with it, but I guess I’ll swap my wheels for Bigfoots. The reload is way too slow for my taste.
Weirdly, ammo boxes increase ammo, but I haven’t tried a micro-factory to see if it also does.
Edit: I just reread the notes, and now I’m thinking I was wrong about ammo boxes increasing ammo. Must have forgotten that I had deployed some before counting how many I had left when using no ammo.
I’m suspecting that both do.
I guess this also means that interceptor works against them, which may give it more of a purpose, if they become more popular.
Like more than a couple play-styles in Crossout, I would imagine map selection will be very influential over your success with this weapon. I haven’t played them yet, but I can easily think of a few examples I’d like to use them on, and maybe a few maps that would really suck to try and make those work…without the evil of…the Skinner.
I love the concept of skinner, but there are so few builds where it’s really useful and worth the energy cost.
I’ve probably only played about ten matches with these things so far, but so far they seem as versatile as any close range weapon. Running a cloak seems pretty important in most situations. They’re too visible to just dump at a choke point and hope that people run into them. Seems best to get close and drop them around an enemy (or preferably a group of enemies).
That’s pretty much the same as how I run Turrets; build and invisible fence, then harass players in and out of that perimeter, except with turrets you can build very wide “fences” if you need to.
The Punji does a lot more damage though, doesn’t it? I mean, I know it does, because I got dragged through a fence of it by some dude with…the Skinner…
I feel like they’re closer to playing mines, since they only damage enemies who are touching the beams.
And now I’m really excited about incorporating a skinner into my build. Biggest issue is getting people inside the electric fence, so why not drag them there?
It worked on me, and I’m looking forward to trying them myself, though I think I intend to focus more on support (using team-mates as bait) and playing them like turrets, even though…I do have…the Skinner…
i was kind of hoping it would connect to every one that you drop near by. so dropping 4 would make a box with an X in the middle connecting the corners. idk if that would be considered broken though.
Haven’t tried them out, and trying them out feels like a way too big of an investment, especially when the few rare times I have seen some in-battle, they pretty much do nothing and have yet to rally be any kind of a thread. They are just too easy to avoid, even on cluster dragger builds that just spam a huge area of them and try to push/drag people into it
So far not really impressed by this weapon and have not seen anyone do that good with them, maybe that changes once more people have these but I think the biggest drawback is that you need to go full Punji if you wanna use them, that’s like at least 4 punjis and you can do a lot of other things with that kind of money
They aren’t much to look at either. The visuals are underwhelming, especially for this game. They usually nail that, but they sure didn’t with this one. It’s easily the most boring and bland “magic staff” I have ever seen in any game anywhere.
There were far better ways to interpret this graphic, I am sure, and there are literally millions if not billions of examples.
It’s a bit hard for me to fathom how this was developed by Targem. Their art is something they usually get very right, IMO. But, IDK…The module itself (the little square drone box) looks fine, but the deployed “weapon” itself is about as vanilla as it gets. The force-field it generates isn’t that amusing in appearance either, but that’s JMO, maybe. I’d be happy to accept a rework or skin for this gig.
As for it’s function; IDK. I only have one. I feel like a set requires at least two, minimum, so I’d like at least two. I got the BP, and I’m not sure it will allow me to get both a set of two Punji and a set of two Imugi through casual play.
I asked for a magnetic bubble-gun years ago (repeatedly) and now, as silly as it sounds, they seem to have presented a version of that ridiculous pipe-dream (was sort of a gag, like the launchable drones…sorry). Now that it’s here (more or less), how can I resist?
Now I just need the pink plasma gun and I’ve run out of requests, I think…oh ya, I still need exhaust-pipes that blow bubbles. Then I’m good. They can do boats too, I suppose, but I’ll still be down low with my car-cars playing a more basic version of Crossout no matter what they do with the rest of the game.
I’ve been seeing a lot more of Punji now
Or well, more than 1 battle per week with a punji
And still not very impressed, I don’t see anyone driving into these things, and I think it’s more of a problem with how most battles are just ram wars and teammate/enemy piles, just recently (about 30 minutes ago) I saw a match with a Punji invested player on the enemy team and he tried so hard but all his teammates kept ramming the enemies away from the Punjis (3 cannon builds on enemy team) every time he tried to make them work and get people into the Punjis, I felt sorry for the player
Ya, a Tron ribbon would have been a better application for this feature, IMO. This Punji thing is sort of a flop. Obviously, they game-test nothing they develop and introduce.
im not sure if it was really. the weapon type based on this i seen in ratchet and clank. in R&C placing 3 of them down connected them all together, placing 4 down connected them to every one near by it making a really powerful wall, on top of this they werent defenseless either, they make electrical arcs and they would strike nearby enemies as well as damage them when they pass into the electrical wall. i expected to see something similar with the punji but was disappointed when they can only connect to one at a time making a very strange kind of connection.
also bots target the punji sticks to so even more pointless to use in pve. its a shame cause i like the concept but the weapon needs more work. make it fire electrical bolts!