PVE patrol without helicopter builds missing

In game miss PVE patrol without helicopter builds sometimes are very annoying because bots target them and have really chaos moves.

ngl i really hate how aggressive bots are to helis. its straight up stalking and harassment on the bots part, i seen it get so bad that 6 bots were piling on 1 guy in a match. no matter where he went the bots just followed him relentlessly and firing at him nonstop. seriously how is that fair?

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On the Old Town map, I corral the bots into a group using this as an exploit (they always target my ass). Then my team basically slaughters them like fish in a barrel. That’s not as easily done on other maps, though.


lol,i love when the heli knows to keep the bots in my incinerator puddles and my team destroys them…if done right ,it’s like watching ‘Popcorn Pop’ :yum: that’s any map.


The bots do have quite the follow and aim accuracy built into them in general so its no surprise to see them putting in work, however there has been a couple matches where Ive taken non stop damage from them while do wild maneuvers thinking I got away, they do seem a little more aggressive but maybe its because the Helis have a better advantage up there. And by better advantage, I mean with a helicopter strafing to the side, a ground build really has to time/line the shots up more accurately to land them, some guns dont aim as high, Helis are also hard to see in the air specially if next to a similar color structure.

I take advantage of that often and just use it to start picking off bot weapons. They really should add in a logic check so they respond more to sources of incoming dmg. Right now they will straight out ignore a player targeting them, while actively stalking those heli’s.

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