Devs. U have to fix game matches in pvp. Lonely players connect with lonely players and teams connect with teams. My team 2 random players and 3 bots. Enemy team one clan 3 players (possibly in voice party) and 3 bots. Enemy team play like team all together no chance to push them because my teammates going different directions. Thats not fun at all especially when this match up goes 6 times in a row against two different clans. Connect them in one battle and lonely players in another battle
do you really think they care…maybe if you tell them how much money you poured into the game…maybe…
I think they do. Its just that maybe they dont see it all. Last few changes proved that they do listen. Increased ore rewards and blueprints. So i hope they see this one now.
Too late then, they already have you’re money
Maybe tell them how much you would spend if they changed stuff ??
Must’ve missed this one, rewards are exactly the same and I haven’t seen any new blueprints for years…
You’re right though, if you play solo it’s gonna be a rough ride. Game is flat broken when it comes to balancing matches, regardless of teams or not the matchmaking is rigged to the point were 90% of the time it’s totally 1 sided one way or the other. Even winning matches isn’t fun when it’s like that.
The game is dead. I waited 5 minutes to not get into a 9k classic pvp match in North America on a Saturday at 2pm. Ill go do something else.
It doesn’t help that the devs refuse to balance the game and make it fun for anybody not playing meta. If you aren’t using wheels/accel fused hovers, blast weapons, and finwhale/jackie/catalina you are fucked.
Its not fun to play my Omnis either because despite the grip buff they got, PLUS the fact that I have them all fused for grip they still suck against epic wheels. My speed limit is 95 yet I can hardly get over 78 on flat ground with ghost, cheetah, and 4 omnis in a straight line. If I’m trying to maneuver with 3 inputs I can’t get anywhere fast enough. If I’m on any uphill slope its over for me, a humpback brick is faster than me.
Dear Sir/madam,
Yall need to fix the matching of ppl ngl. peaple from 10000ps or 8000 ps come back to 6000ps or 5000ps but with their own lvl weapons. they should be not allowed with sertain atributes or weapons which are not unlocked for the lower ps ppl. this to keep it fun, or they will and KEEP destroying us like warm butter and is there no fun in the game.
i sencerely hope yall can consider this a thing in the new or following updates to atract AND keep new peaple and those who are in around 5000ps.
yours sincerely,
the new peaple in the game and the 5000/6000ps if you want to keep them
When your team isn’t playing as a team, it’s often best to follow and help the bots, because at least they’re predictable (and have perfect aim).
This is especially true in Next Step matches, but also works in normal PVP.
Also, if you’re playing the same group over and over, that’s a sign to change your PS. If you can’t do that, take a break for a couple minutes to try to get in a new queue.
It’s the kind of a game where you have to make your own fun. If that means easy victories and high kill count in your player profile, cheese, play groups, sealclub and all the usual tactics. If it means something else to have fun, then do that
I myself have fun just playing fast or annoying builds and not caring about winning or loosing or how good or bad I am doing or how much my kill count goes up/down. I play the most god awful builds sometimes, loose 100+ matches but then absolutely humiliate some meta build by sheer dumb luck like somehow popping their generator and ammo box, by ramming by accident because I can’t steer for sh1t, as they got flipped around by a water geyser in that one map, and that keeps me going for another 100+ matches of zooming around like a headless chicken and just spamming my guns at anything that moves
Yea i do wait for 2 min i m being connected to play another clan 4 players team. And thats what im saying. Teams play against teams.
As long as you don’t want a fair a balanced match you’re all good
We all had to face the groopee clans in pvp. And they are VERY beatable, by randoms.
BaLance is unbalance imo, more akin to a juggling act. Whot good is a relic if my chord mg can whip it. Whot baLance? The perpetual unbalance? That balance?
We are all subject to the same imbalance,sOoo, th@S fair
Happy grinDing
I gave up on those years ago during the sideways hover mosquito peekaboo days followed by wedgeout the physics boogaloo. All the fairness in this game is only being upheld or respected by the players themselves and we can all see how that is going
In that instance the chord would be massively OP and be completely unbalanced. But that’s not what I meant anyway. The point was that XO tries to fix matches to be so unbalanced to tray and force a 50/50 win loss ratio.
So, define balance for me, please
Maybe when u play bellow 15k ps u can show off. But when it comes to highest ps and highest ranking clans playing pvp, And they have combo of 3 reapers one masto (+2 bots) they push like crazy and teamates are falling like flies, u cannot do much when u endup alone against all team. This game is not call of duty. U cannot kill all squad alone in this game. Even 1 vs 2 is not easy. Unless u play against noobs, but like i mentioned above, its the team of top 30 clan members so they are not noobs. Noobs is on my team, because i play with no team so i get them.
Easy. Teams play vs teams. Lone players play lone players
Fix pvp by reworking (nerfing) finwhale, jackie, and omamori and adding special and epic versons of them to faction benches so new players have something to enjoy and use against whales. With all these new additions, the devs made whales untouchable in low PS. What the fuck are less experienced players supposed to use against finwhale buggy wheel/jackie/omamori meta? Nothing at all! They just die 100% of the time in a 1v1. If you play with your cat or dog and never let them ‘win’ by catching the toy and feeling a reward they will stop playing with you.