R.I.P - The Day Crossout Really Died! * January 2025 *

mastodons always hit hard, same for mammoths. they are one of the best cannons in the entire game.

the aegis bubble used to have 1000 hp before it failed on you. they nerfed it to allow people to use it at a lower cost. this was the same thing with the barrier 9. the barrier 9 though had 2000 hp but got a nerf when they lowered the energy cost. i kind of miss the old 2k hp it once had. they also had to nerf the aegis cause there were people in clan wars running around with these stupid punisher builds in clan wars running 3 barriers at once and if you ran cannons you were pretty much screwed cause they would just activate one after another.

tusks were overpowered man. on a triple charge and boosters they could go clean through an entire build. hell i once seen a guy who had a very big build, goliath tracks with heavy armor, and some guy on a tusk rammed him from the side, took off his goliath track in 1 hit and destroyed his cabin at the same time and just kept going. this was a long time ago but tusks were really brokenly strong for what they were. the thing is they took recoil damage but the issue there was they could take out 4 or 5 team mates if they hit them correctly and not take all that much recoil damage. with things nowadays like the omamori it would just make them more broken. i wouldnt even know how the jackie would interact with the cabin either since it counts as melee and the thing is supposed to boost damage.
with all the modules and whatnot that boost damage that have come out if the tusk were as powerful as it was back then i think the game would be nothing but a ram fest.

Unbenannt dwwqdqwd

server crashed after a fuckton of quirks then the client

Do you mean these dumpsters on wheels or something else?


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I was playing Fafnirs yesterday to try out the change, and I’m liking the big triple shot thing they do now.
Yes, the reload is long, but you can do a lot more damage in a single volley now.
People didn’t like when they changed cannons in a similar way, but now cannons are more popular than they’ve been for a while.
Decided to pick up an Echo, to help with the slow reload.

I think it’s possible the occasional lag can make these more difficult, or they might be bugged. When the game is running smooth I do OK with the Junkbows. If it’s not, I don’t. I don’t think it’s the Junkbows, but they could be bugged, I suppose. I do get mixed results.

*Note: Those Junkbows are fused and ran with a reload module.

I think this is starting to cause headaches for both the gaming community and publishers.
I don’t know how else to explain the crazy balance and other problems.
In the future, if there would be a potential for a new redesigned version, because I don’t think there are many games like that. Create an open world. more PVE and PVP raid, missions.
Uranium progress even for pve players.

I was trying a Faf build with Flywheel. It feels very connection-sensitive. In NA, I usually rock hard and strip weapons easily. If NA is slow and I get shunted to EU, they feel like all they do is tickle the target.

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For me the death of this game was the Supercharged update, now I am just jacking off a dead horse for entertainment, as the farmers say

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Me Too. Very, very this. The Supercharged update has been cancer.

next fuckup incoming in 14 minutes

if they fix the issues or sneak in the next changes ??

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as a new player, I’m fine. I’m a bit frustrated with how promo codes are streamlined on PC but nowhere else, but it’s whatever. I’ll get over it. I remember booting this game up when it first came out. it was bare bones and not a lot of fun. PVE events make it nice and it has a campaign/story mode to make grinding at least tolerable. It seems every developer as of recent is nerfing everything. It’s hard to get mad at cross when all other games are doing it too. I feel bad for those high end players, the ones that spent a lot of money and the ones who are high level. It’s gotta suck for you guys, but hey, that leaves more room for the new guys (shrug).


After my long well needed break from XO. And reluctantly returning back to XO “Post update” the recent update. SNAFU… I am still going to play solely for the destruction blowing crap up but it ends after that point. Being a serious devoted player investing endless amounts of time & or cash just isn’t idealistic.

I didn’t ask for a speed update. Instead, I’d like the glitches to stop. I get tired of only hearing one hurricane rocket launch. Or right when I hit the trigger on the crossbow, I freeze without firing and then launch through a wormhole, two seconds past the vehicle, not knowing WTF happened.

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