if the new update doesn’t fix this game. we are just playing with Broken Toys.
i’ll keep trying,but they need to revisit or backup a few updates.
this is only getting worse.
every game breaks n they try to fix when all they need to do is Undo what they did and try again.
we the players suffer while they try/can’t fix it.
your not wrong.but i think they really broke it this time and there is no coming back…
unnecessary nerfs/redirection/market is tanking/i can go on but u all see it anyway or u will…
I’ve to check but if i’m remember right i got into drones more seriously when my Gremlins got broken with the supercharge.
It was a pain.
I had came from 5 nerfs to my spitfires, then i switch to ruptures but then my build got broken with the co-driver’s rework
I did try other weapons but nothing synergized with me
All i had left were the gremlins and they were broken, it took a while before they fixed it.
but they did…eventually.
This game is not broken, at least for now, it’s been rebalanced, a change in direction if you will.
I’m always keeping an eye on SGs ( mainly spitfires and ruptures ) .
Meanwhile i’m experimenting with Fafinirs and with Puncher, tests are promising.
So, there you are, if you want to keep SGs, try other SGs
As it’s not a guaranty to like other SGs ( i didn’t like thunderbolts e.g. ), you may have to find other weapon that you would like.
I was about to buy some mines…but apparently they got nerfed.
Regarding the market, i don’t care, never cared, it can burn down to the ground, the sooner the better, and replace that abomination for XP rewards that we could unlock parts and other goodies.
Not sure that’s irony, but whatever. I mean, if the game is dead it makes sense the forum would be too.
Is it more dead than reddit? I’m not sure about that either. It seems pretty dead over there too with not much going on there, the last time I checked.
I don’t know about the game being dead. I must be the rare player who hasn’t seen anything wierd yet, in either raids, missions (pve, pvp), the events, or bedlam. I really can’t say it feels like anything changed for me for the worse. (Although I’m still very pissed about the Incinerator nerf they did last year.) Did they mess up the latest release? Apparently, from what I’m hearing. I do know that they nerfed machine guns last release and then they had to go back and fix them. Looks kinda rediculous.
Maybe not enough people playtested? I know I haven’t been, I don’t even know what’s involved to set up my machine for that.
As far as the market tanking, it’ll be 3 years this coming June that the prices on crafted stuff dropped by about 25%. I know because I used to craft ALOT way back then, and after that I pretty much stopped crafting for resale purposes. It just didn’t pay off anymore. Meanwhile, copper sales were great 4 weeks ago, and they’ve been diving ever since…who knows why. Right now I’m sitting on over 5,000 copper and about the same in badges to buy more copper with, waiting for a rebound. We’ll see.
So I’ll still be here for the long run. Whatever happens, happens. Crossout isn’t the only game that’s been mismanaged at times or lost players. They still have a great thing going here; won’t find it anywhere else.
I’m on PC and also not experiencing anything “weird.” I get lag that makes driving anything fast a (missed) turn-off. I tune out. But, that’s typical anytime there is an update, before and after the official release. It usually clears up…until we do this again. I don’t expect it to clear up until after everybody else’s bugs are worked out, though. So, I hope that happens soon.
A lot of people are reporting (with video sometimes) some pretty unusual bugs. I don’t think it’s a hoax or conspiracy. The update’s probably broken, but my system is handling it too.
The bullets probably all have a physical model now, is that right? IDK. I’ll have to go see if I can catch a screenshot of one. If so, that’s a lot of schit flying through the ether, isn’t it? It’s a lot more than there used to be. Many of them with different characteristics.
That’s a M-37, AC43, and Vector, from left to right.
Funny, I couldn’t catch any screenshot of the Junkbow projectile, when there used to be actual junk that it shot, and you could see it.
It never traveled very far though.
I think it is very reasonable to suspect this new approach to ammo isn’t working for everybody (anybody?), and is likely a great potential source for lag, maybe the same lag that is making speed (wheels) suck in general too. Maybe, the rumored speed update is what we need to have happen for this all to come together.
When they say “speed update” it is hard for me to understand what they mean by that, since they did not elaborate.
I don’t mind it at all. It can be a little bit of a challenge to build around ammo boxes especially if the build is smaller but it’s not so problematic that I would complain. If anything it makes you take a another look at how strange the general scaling of items are in game.
The only issues I’ve had of late is a few game client crashes that I don’t think is server related. However the client sends in it’s own reports, so I kind of expect those to clear up after a while as they are internally collected.
As a premise, I’m fine with it too. The better it works, the better results I’m getting, when it works.
Sometimes my frame rate seems to tank, and it’s hard to drive or shoot. When I don’t have those issues, or lag, I tend to have a good time, outside a patch of really bad matchmaking.
I think population numbers are an issue with the matchmaker (how could they not be?), but I don’t get the impression that number needs to climb a whole bunch to see considerable improvements there.
For me the Winter Brawl has gone well. That’s very fast and I didn’t have any issues.
There isn’t a lot of shooting going on in there though. Just sayin.
They changed the name of “Banshee Blood” to “Banshee Tears,” which is…
It’s still a pretty cool paint. But, why?
I’m so pissed, I can hardly think straight. Just logged on and my quad fused nidhogg rig is ruined. Now shots three shots and went from 3 sec reload to 4.5. I have spent a ton of real money in this game, but I may never log on again. They killed my babies. I loved my hoggs 7 times more than any other and I have made a ton of riggs. The game is ruined for me.
I own the relic jorgumendars Since they came to the game and they got so unpopulair they nose dove towards 24k and lower they where supposed be able to degun enemys. Stil it would always lose closecombat fights vs breaker cars. Now they have been updated years later to late. but they had a small price jump and sink since the last patch. Sadly i know a real problem ingame why these guns wont be able to compeet if this stays around. So they need resolve a serten issue thats also been killing playerbase joy. + i think i found something off with the Jorgs not always registrating a shot properly done on a enemy player but i need play them more to figure out if it was me or the gun. (it sometimes seems to miss half of a volley in close combat on a enemy build even at pin-point range) also before update nidhogs where required to play jorgumendar relic next to it… which is dumb… + i forget the excessive hit box of nidhog and jorg and the to low durability we had. before the patch came but (like i said it feels like ducktape).
I do think there bit beter now but it feels like ducktape. I might again not be able to enjoy them due of ather things with the game that is going on. P.s you should check if the Nidhogs hit things properly or not i think has something to do with the 3x burst shot mechanic they put in the game. Which might cause issues…
Yes less people around i wonder if i scam myself buying prem during the sale. But there is a problem on the PC side happening that doesnt seem be taking part on Console. Where some of the playerbase is enjoying themselfs they also got issues but not that blant. Also latetly a lot of community has been destroyed Since 2.0 it whent hard downhill / fell apart or compleetly abandon ship / and we get lied to which is 1 of major problems having trust that this game is gone stick around. Also any Q&A doesnt seem to answer the real concerns people have or asked to the devs they just dont get answerd rather ignored. (i know its easy to give easyer answers to things) But i dont wane see crossout go the way of Robocraft that game died in January. 2025 (no joke) FreeJam Studio has died by there own incompentance. — Anyways apart from my smal detour — the moral of the story is things are getting made romantic and pink glasses when the real issues get put under the carpet or better said a hardwood floor you cant remove easy… Crossout on PC if wants stick around can better start preparing band-aids a lot of people who keep spending money are leaving in droves who have it as a hobby. And the Whales who will buy a whole seasonpass just to release the new stuf in market are also getting less and less. + the ingame market doesnt fit the slogan of the game anymore (Build Craft and Destroy) due of recent years any kind of profitable flips in ingame market have been getting less and less. with some weaponry not even being worth anything due of crafting material prices being higher then that weapon. XD – Also maybe im crazy but serten guns have a higher value for ather reason – then game balance. wink wink
I love this game but i also see it has become more and more clowntown im also considering closing my wallet.
So do i, i made builds that i loved and got nerfed, relentless, i was forced to move on, change weapons inside a type, i change weapons types, i was forced to change builds cause my beloved builds were killed by the changes, one in particular i had to change more than 7 times but still goes on.
I’m still here.
this happens with the junkbow and nidhogg to. if you go to the garage and test your ride and shoot the wall youll see some bullet holes vanish. when i did it 2 of the 8 bullets would often times disappear and i think it doesnt register hitting or they do significantly lower damage. like they would hit, id see 8 bullets in a fixed spot on the wall then 2 of them would disappear almost immediately. i dont have the jorg but i imagine its the same thing since it comes from the same line of shotguns as the junkbow and nidhogg.
to add to this i tried them in pvp and they were absolutely horrible. i got beat by a bot… A FRICKEN BOT while i was up close and trying to strip off their gun. they even had a rare autocannon and my two junkbows couldnt even take it off even when i was shooting it point blank! that weapon shouldve been going to the junkpile in the sky but instead i was the one who got killed by the bot. that made me so damn mad.
I think a real fix is to just make them shoot 2 barrel shotgun slug shot. there dmg value on a DMG ball in testdrive is more accrut then real combat. So far from my perspective but since its adoption of nidhogs and jorgumendars there have been endless problems with the guns. People complain there to OP when you play them well but honestly most of time before update im forcing to get best out of the gun while ather guns seem have it easyer. And even stil now i can barely make a working build. Before update it dont mather what i build the degun rate on you as player is so high it aint worth playing this relic most of the time. Also cannons seem register better dmg outputs then a Jorg in comparison also ive degunned a mastordon but im forced to use 3 jorgs with a lot of buffing dmg on a build just to get 1 gun of in 2 or 4 volleys and they also reduced the reload speed. (even with newest reload module legendary its a SLOG) you are realy forced to aim well and try get use out of it. But yes back to the issue ive seen dmg not being registrated even if you got descent ping is a bit of ah what is going on here? Also i know a Jorg aint a cannon but Mastordon (hits harder) same for a Mammoth that has a few stacks so yeah total ducktape feeling the situation with these guns + they also did a NERF a while ago with the Aegis bubble (before it got nerfed you could handel 3K dmg impacting it so you could survive 2 scorpions shooting / typhoon 2 guns shot or a mastordon 2 shot now you cant counter any of the long range properly with Aegis+ you even have FAILURE of bubble with scorpion shots they get true even at 100% coverage and full bubble / quick reaction speed.} — to keep it simple theres a lot ingame currently that has 0 value 0 useability and 0 purpose to be used. — Best example a Tusk cabine nerfed 3 times into the ground ment to be ramming cabine / nobody plays it as a ramming cabine anymore or barely since last few patches and most tusk players arent playing the cab as it was ment years ago when it was implented to the game. (i dont even know why i stil own a compleetly fuzed tusk build but i dont wane delete it). — you cant have a paper rock stone situation if they keep ruining the original experions and use of things they bring into the game.