Raids and their servers

Couldn’t tell you how many times its happened to me. This time, over 11 minutes in the raid and the game actually crashed. A lot of times I get booted from the server citing a network connection and yet “I am still connected… end up in the garage.”, still can rant about being disconnected. I pay for the fuel to go on extra raids… so yes, very, very irritated.

They really need to fix their bugs. I wasn’t doing anything unusual when in battle.

Also, noted as i do play a lot of electronic raids, one can come in 1st in one map and get like only 17 electronics on a win or come in last place on still another map and get 29 electronics and not battle nearly as hard. It appears there is no consistency to difficulty or how many bots you fight. I know doing the raid “Wrath of Kahn” is a no win scenario. Whoever set that up, going against final level… there are soooo many bots, you can’t even get near the leviathan. You will use up half a dozen repair kits for a win, if you value your time. I stopped playing that. Only times I play it is when I wasn’t paying attention to what came up next.

Overall, its getting more difficult to win, less gratifying when you do win.

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i havent been in a raid in… god months maybe?
the problem is they have 2 medium and 2 hard raids but they are the same damn raid, they used to be two different raids till they had one to many beers and decided to make them both the same.
the most profitable raid is frontier defense but i typically dont do that one unless its got the right team. if you get the raid with lunatics then good luck, the boss does such stupid amounts of damage youll be throwing your controller through the wall. how much damage you ask? well 2 shots took off both my train plows at 403 hp each and then two shotted my cabin at over 1500 hp. and this was just with two breakers and a mace.

the firestarters boss is another irritation and a nogo. not only do you have to deal with them but they deal fire damage and do absurd amounts of damage to. the enemies as well do fire damage and can melt your build very fast.

the best for frontier defense is steppenwolfs because they are bulky but they have explosives on them which can detonate easily. just be careful of the mandrake bots. dawns children is ok to but be aware the boss has a scorpion and it will pierce through your entire build.
nomads and scavengers are kind of irritating because they have mgs and can shoot from farther away, they are also tankier and dont have many vulnerable points. they are okish on medium raids but hard raids are a nogo.

Don’t do hard raids without proper setup. The damage you receive and deal depends on your PS as well. Retcher, swarm, AC or Mg, plasma emitters are good, actually anything with good DPS. Having a doppler and good agile build most of the raids are doable with 2 players or even alone. Without using a single repair kit. I only did frontier deffence lately, it has the best Time/reward ratio. My daily to do: 5 invasion (Kill 3 AI controlled leviathans built by players). If you find raids long and boring. 5x40 liter daily free fuel makes you more than 1000 chopper (35 coin) in max 15 minutes.

Objectives haven’t changed a lot, but some maps.

I am very saddened to agree. I’m putting an wall of text rant of my own

Yes, there is an annoying unbalance in raids rewards vs difficulty/time. What’s worse, there are a few guns/builds/cabins that gives a player much more points than others AND makes all the others farm WAY LESS resources than if matched with players with no such builds. Heck, if you get matched players using certain builds, you can get less than half resources than you would if everyone used “normal builds”. You can’t “compete” against a catalina build using 3xCyclone/Retcher/Whirlwind(crater).

Those guys can do like 100k points in a frontier defense match and leave you with 5-10k if you dont “build competitively”. I mean, it’s supposed to be a coop pve right, why must we compete for points? That’s stupid.

I honestly feel bad when i use builds like that and notice the other players lagging behind in points, because i choose the “raid meta” builds. That is very screwed up. Sometimes i try to control myself and just go degunning enemies instead so the “humble players” get some farm too. But i do know that, if that wasn’t the case, there (were) would be players who would simply kill a couple bots then self destruct/afk away all match and let you do all the grind for them.

Also why are there raids that you destroy many enemies and gives way less resources than others?
AND there is an even worse part.

There is also server problems. I really REALLY hate the mobile-esque spend-fuel 200-free-per-day to play raids this game has. But what makes it much worse is the poor service which kicks you out of matches, crashes games, disconnect, desync whatever and make you lose resources/fuel and give zero rewards for your time. I mean, come on, WHY should we need to pay FUEL to do PvE. Is it so that when we lose the match we lose resources? Is it to force players to not leave the raid? Is it to limit the amount of players doing raids and overpowering their servers that should be focused on PvP?

Fuel limiting is honestly STUPID and feel scammy. It’s just as bad as having a crafting game with so many premium-uncraftable unbalanced parts that cost more than higher tier equipment. I mean, i do understand premium stuff are supposed to make ppl give them money. But honestly, let people craft those stuff after 6-12 months of releasing it. Makes the game more fun/balanced/alive.

But it gets worse. Server issues. After 10 seconds connection timeout, you get kicked out the match and lose fuel. So… server instability, lose fuel. Unbalanced match, you lose, lose fuel. Is it so players are less inclined to play raids and populate the pvp aspect? Then why create like 5 brawls/events/next step modes and spread thin the already suffering player count?

But instead of fixing the issues, they just apologize and give us 3 days premium to “shut up and stop complaining”. They should be giving us fuel.

Or honestly, remove the fuel mechanic completely. Idk. Change it. Give a bonus to rewards/points to cars using fuel barrells and not dying/blowing up. 5% for the fuel barrell and 10% for the fuel tank. Just dont limit where and how we can farm your already grindy game.

End of rant lol.

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depressing to see how much better this game looked in an ancient video compared to today


I recognize your player name, hard to forget actually. My player name is Socrates. I suppose there are those who see these messages who would otherwise dismiss as some noob. But I have surpassed over 10,000 raids. The raid Wrath of Kahn, absolutely terrible. It starts out ok but as soon as the leviathan is loose, you might be able to kill it if the team is very strong and you do it quickly, if that was ever possible. But notably often its not possible without using at least half a dozen repair kits and by then most players said “Screw it” so you’re fighting alone. You may ultimately win but at the expense of crafting repair kits twice… And with respect to resources for that win, you would have been further ahead not playing the raid. Frontier defence is perhaps the most profitable but you either wait for whenever its going to come up which might be hours or a day later. The bit about the cabins… Yes, very true. I bought a Catalina because I did a “What the hell?” when I was doing as much if not more damage in the battle before that. A two player episode, I was sporting 2 retchers, the other guy two AC72’s. Not sure how in the world he got more points. I used those two in a raid and I became bottom banana for sure. Balanced it is not and even logically making sense out of the points is beyond me.

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cyclones are not as big of a problem as whirlwinds or stillwinds. their damage output is absolutely disgusting. i use a jotun and they can out damage me by more then double, even triple in some cases. id have 20k damage and theyd have like 65k or some nonsense like that. even with builds that have a higher damage output im still left in the dust. arbiters seem to be a bit of a problem to. 5 arbiters have a very high damage output.
i also tried using a dual cyclone with a joule build i have in a raid with a team mate using whirlwinds / stillwinds and they outpace my damage by a whole double and in most cases 2.5 to 3 times my damage output.

raids used to give more rewards till they nerfed them. i could easily get 400 - 500 copper in perimeter breach in the past but now i only get 300 - 400.

you can get fuel in pvp but i dont like pvp in general. back when i used to run my fuze drones id get tons of fuel. i quit pvp though and i usually buy my fuel. still have 17k fuel sitting and rotting in my inventory. its been years since i used it.

we used to be able to earn coupons in raids to but that had a hard limit and now its been removed. they are still in the game 2 years later and they havent said what they were gonna do with them to. same goes with engraved casings…

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Yesterday I was disconnected while doing invasion. Didn’t loose the 40 fuel and it didn’t appear ín my history at all.