Raids need a solo mode

we need to have an option now where raids are private, meaning you can do them solo with 3 bots helping you.
or rather 3 modes.

private: only yourself can enter the raid and earn resources. you will get 3 ai team mates to help you in the raid.
normal: you can have 3 random people come in and join you.
friends only: only clanmates / friends can join you in this mode for raids.

the reason im suggesting this is because im tired of coming across dumbasses in perimieter breach who CONSTANTLY ruin the raid by rushing the boss as soon as they pick up the damn cargo. this costs team mates resources and points. and for those who will argue that “you still get the same amount of resources” no you dont, you get LESS.
i ran raids twice, one where we fought off all the enemies and one where some dumbass rushed and i got far less rewards then if we didnt rush.
rush: 30 plastic
not rush: 38 plastic

so dont tell me you get the same amount.
im hoping the devs see this and make it so we can solo raids with either clan mates / friends only or private runs where we can run it with 3 bots helping. im rather sick and tired of idiots rushing and ruining raids for me and others.


Not to mention having to fight your teammates just for points,

Honestly teammates seem to get salty and selfish all the time and I blame the stupid mvp icon they added.

I barely do raids but I wanted plastic for some weapons and I’m not paying 1000c for it so I did plastic. I just run a little 6k build with 2 Therms and load of radiators and coolers…

Very often I’d be out-scoring some 16-20k players in their huge bloated shitboxes and you’d notice after a while they’d push people out the way or try to rush the spawn more often and steal points all the time, it’s so pathetic and sad.

I’d love to do solo raids, if everyone was like 6-8k raids would fly by.


the part that frustrates me isnt this, its mostly the people that say “i just want to get them over with as fast as possible” and im thinking, “then why the hell did you choose perimeter breach!? steel cradle is 6 times faster and less hassle so why come in here and ruin the raid for everyone else?”

i do plastic raids because of the profit you can get from it. i like doing plastic raids but things have become more tedious due to people rushing and not letting me get that many points. not to mention to that raid rewards have gone down alot since a few years ago, the raid rewards were decreased. i like raids but i think some measures need to be taken to prevent people from sabotaging raids and ruining it for team mates.

that being either:
1: put up barricades to prevent rushing the boss until all enemies in the area are defeated / all waves of enemies have been fought.
2: allow us to solo raids or just take friends in.
3: allow us to bring in our leviathan into a solo raid to make it easier on us.

the most often id see stuff like this happen was when people ran porcs. they would ALWAYS point hog, get in the way, block shots and just be a nuisance to everyone. i see far less porcs nowadays but back then it was a huge problem. now im seeing this happen with people using those new stupid legs that came out. constantly getting in the way, shoving team mates around, blocking shots, stealing kills, etc.

Yeah plastic is best, cradle is fast with less rewards, frontier longest with the best. But I’ll be honest I prefer perimeter breach as it has good rewards for it’s pacing, you’re always moving unlike frontier defence and it just feel nicer.

Like this guy here was over 17k, 3 Cyclones… I have 2 Therms. If they were a lower PS the enemies would die faster and the raid would go so much faster.

I don’t see the excuse of having a large build as to not be killed if I can run my art build with stuff thrown on it and do just as fine, people are just selfish, it’ll never change either.

That weird MVP symbol on the map is also annoying, because you just know all the small-dicks probably think it means something, plus it’s red and huge which is so annoying.

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The "me first " attitude sucks persimmons. Always that one lone Crusader that wants to run far ahead of the truck & team to get arrive at the next spawn point before anyone else does solely to take all of the kills & points.
Yes its time for a change. Doubt very seriously the Dev’s couldn’t give a rats ass about our concerns .
For we are serfs in their eyes…

LMBO ! Great description! :rofl: :+1: :100:

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To be fair the mission is to “escort” the truck and you SHOULD be far ahead… you can be really far ahead and still count as in range, yet fall behind just a little an it won’t count.

If people are lagging behind on escort missions then I assume they don’t realise that it’s part of the raid.

But when it comes to perimeter breach or frontier… some people dive off to spawns just to rush back and do it on the other side. It makes me not want to bring my radar for them.

Which one The truck and you or just “you” far ahead of the truck? not far enough to screw your team mates from points…
You do remember raiders occasionally spawn behind the truck in escort long after passing a certain point.
My personal opinion is if a player exceeds past a certain point an auto destruct should be implemented without warning. That would eliminate some of the trophy hound B.S.
But then again Some folks see an “I” in team yet…

I mean as long as you’re in range of the truck, and before the known spawns I have no issue. The odd couple of spawns behind the truck isn’t gonna cause much of a problem… it’s not like 2017 when mines would do 3/4 of the truck health haha

they could also have the truck stop at certain points and spawn raiders.
but i don’t Drink Vodka :rofl:
‘just move the Spawn points closer to the trigger for the truck’

or “UN-trigger” players from spawning enemies…lol

steel cradle gives half the rewards that normal raids give. it gives half the amount that perimeter breach gives to. i think steel cradle should be half the amount of fuel then other raids because 40 fuel for half the amount of rewards that i can get from another raid is bullcrap imo.

perimeter breach in terminal-45 is good for my jotuns to do alot of damage with its limited space. though it can be ruined by idiots rushing :roll_eyes:

red rocket? :rofl:
i get that mvp thing alot since i use weapons with high damage. hell even my jotuns outpace things like cyclones sometimes. i just dont like raids acting like a competition, its meant to be working as a team not against eachother.

stupidly its a vehicle alot of the time in the 4k ps range doing this nonsense. they rush in and spawn in a ton of enemies costing us alot of time and a ton of damage and hp fighting the hoards of them off.

hahaha mud your funny :rofl:

The truck could stop at the road side pickle park and pick up some commercial company. :joy:

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but it’s half the time

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i laughed so hard at the silliness of this :rofl:

yeeeees, half the time for half the fuel! you could run it quickly twice! :crazy_face:

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While I agree with just about everything the OP said, I disagree about Perimeter Breach. It says breach, not sit and shoot fish in a barrel. Go! Go! Go! It is a breach! Breach the enemy!
Also, if I must perform a Raid, then I will not wait for Steel Cradle, I will play whatever Raid is current. You cannot pick which Raid is current can you? These players want to sit at spawn and wait for the enemy to come to them? How the flip is that a breach? Breach already! Go, go, go!
And, if the Raid is done quickly for less Rewards but you can play more raids in the same amount of time, then you can actually earn more rewards rushing. Yes, you use more Fuel, but fuel is free if you play and win and survive PVP while using a fuel barrel. So, stop sitting and waiting for the dumb bots to drive into your weapons and take the fight right at them!

i think this is the issue though Zodd. raids are double set, meaning medium and hard raids are both the same raids. it wouldnt be an issue if both were random but for some strange reason they made both of them the same raid in both difficulties. like medium can be 2 frontier defense and hard can be 2 perimeter breach. why not just make them different?
i wouldnt care that much if both raids were different but when they are both the same it just adds problems.

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Well said, I hated that change, luckily, I only play raids when a Challenge forces me to.

i only really play them when i get a raid that i want like perimeter breach or frontier defense if im up for it. i rarely do other raids. im just hoping they make both raids random again because its just tedious waiting for the right one you want to come in. hell i havent touched my fuel supply in… well over a year. that 17k fuel has collected so much dust in my inventory i think its dried up :rofl:

It used to be that doing them faster got you badges faster but they killed badges so