☑️ Ram damage and changes to energy consumption and energy supply of parts. Second test

No clue. I’m bored af failing at taking a nap before work, and i still cant be bothered to check :laughing: Youre the Legman around here, people need answers poony! Youre the man for the job! ¡Ándale!

Edit: I instead took ten minutes to read an article on how to say hurry up in Spanish. I got like 10 now

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I’m not getting this.

Hot red 1 point of energy
Anacondas from 8 t0 7? weren’t they 3 points each?
Thunderbolts the same thing, weren’t they 4 points each?
The only thing i got was more diversity with special engines having light version perks of their epic versions.

Does this means we will have half the weapons we had before?

Porcs will cost less energy than Anacondas?

I’m confused.

They are raising and lowering things based on the statistics they gathered.

No they are doubling the energy amount go read the frist portion of the test:


I’m looking forward to the new changes. I like how this update should allow low tier hardware to be relevant in higher PS.

This should shake things up.

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My main shotgun daily ended up with 3en left over so bringing thunderbolt down by 1 actually opens up an upgrade path that wouldn’t have been there before.

A number of my builds that uses hot red were actually 1 en over on the the test server too. Similarly a lot of the exhibition builds were like that too. Which will probably happen to a lot of people. Meaning the change will effect less builds which is also pretty good.