Ravage battlepass weapons review

So I have finally tried out enough of the guns to feel like I can give out an opinion on them

Fatum - Not that great, while the damage is ok and in theory the perk is pretty nice, the usual drone wonkiness keeps them from really being that great, with an added bonus of how they walk around you always end up being in the way of your drone firing, so if you’re running three of them, usually only 2 are firing. If you have 2, only 1 is firing constantly and the other manages to always walk behind your vehicle no matter how much you try to be out of the way. If you have only 1, it will for sure not shoot most of the times because it somehow always manages to position itself in a way that it can’t shoot at the enemy because your own build is in the way, or if it is shooting at the enemy, manages to walk behind your build so it can’t shoot at the enemy once again. Perk on paper sounds pretty nice, but with how little hp the drones have and the usual initial lag before doing anything after deploying, your opponent usually can just destroy the drones, shoot at you and then shoot the drones again no matter how fast of a pace you spam them out after they get destroyed

Lucifer - It’s a legendary Thresher, with all the faults and shortcomings of the Thresher apparent on it. With how weak explosive weapons like rockets, grenade launchers etc are, or how weak explosions are as they are tanked by just about anything these days without ever managing to do any real damage, you can spam the missiles all you want but you aren’t doing much. Perk does not work that well either, if explosions actually did any damage it could be near OP, but as explosions are now it can’t really shoot off enough parts to make much use of the perk. Explosive weaponry that relies on explosions to do the damage simply does not work, feels like every structural part has 90% explosion resistance these days and all you manage to do is tickle the enemy. It’s more like a flashbang spam gun for distractions than a real weapon

Morta - Hands down the best gun in the whole pass, but with how they treat high energy weapons they’ll nerf it at some point most likely, which sucks as it’s not OP, but good and functional. The “shield” aspect of the gun is something you will never really make use of, but it works surprisingly well on 1V1 and at crowd control, though even “bass boosted” bullet speed with codriver is still rather sluggish, so you are very easy to miss with it. But I like it this way, reminds me of the old Quasar with the extra slow projectiles, makes for some satisfying trick shots if you manage to pull them off. If you hat things with the old quasar, this will not give much trouble on hitting things once you shake off how easy modern day quasar is to use. The range of it falls into the sweet spot that I like, not as long range combat as Thyrsus and Kaiju, but not as up in the enemys face as Avalanche. You can do very long range shots as well, but with the projectile speed it’s not super realistic. You can be up in an enemys face, but the damage output does not recommend it. Extra points for feeling like finally having a proper weapon that penetrates builds and hits modules, ammo packs etc

i like the look of the fatums but they are so weak. on top of that they dont last long at all and have the shortest lifespan of all the drones. they reload faster but still your going to be mashing the button to respawn them in after they go poof from the enemy. yeah the damage boost is ok but in pve they are practically useless because the bots prioritize them heavily. im disappointed with it tbh.

Morta Gun I love you

How it feels to have a weapon that can actually compete with the usua stuff like shotguns, cyclones and all the other things dominating all matches

Oh man they are gonna nerf the crap out of this gun aren’t they? Rip Morta