Record Low Attendance (I'm calling your parents)


It hasn’t been this bad since the before times (2017) when this game initially launched.

Frankly, I m surprised Steam is a thing. I never liked it and won’t use it, but nonetheless it is a popular game hub…but clearly not where Crossout is concerned. This game has tanked hard on their menu.

Whatever the actual numbers overall are, it’s clear they need more better popularity. I can feel it in the queues, and probably it effects the game in other ways too.

Like, “Sorry, buddy. We’re gonna have to let you go, because we can’t afford to pay you anymore and keep the lights on.” They could end up having those kinds of problems. Those numbers are surprisingly abysmal, I think.

the waiting times must have anything to do with your region than everything else.
NA server of the game i used to play was getting smaller and smaller, last time i check it it had around 6k players, now must be even smaller, probably Crossout dimensions.
That will differ your experience if you play in that server or in a different server.
I played at 8k, then i used to play at 10 K, now i’ve been playing at 7… 8k, again.
Normally it’s what i come out with that dictates how high of PS i play ( regardless of tweaks and other adjustments afterwards).
So, the PS where i play it’s a bit random.
Other than the obvious like not to aim for 15k ( my inventory can’t handle that) or 4k i don’t have queueing problems 99% of the time.

But i tell you what.

Let’s do an experiment ( if you are willing )
to see if it’s the game or if it’s the region ( server ) you are playing on.
If you haven’t do it yet, select settings - general - region in auto.
Your queue times may improve but the gameplay could tank.

who knew that consistent horrible updates over multiple years dont really bring new players and at most repel existing ones


Items are disappearing from the market too (PC), most notably cabs, but a lot of other things are no longer available too. I presume it is because there is nobody out there selling it, and this didn’t used to be the case.

You used to be able to buy anything if you had the cash. Now even common lights are often unavailable for purchase, and again cabs. There are several cabs of various rarities that are usually or periodically unavailable. It’s hard to get a feel for the desolation here on PC by just looking at the numbers (what numbers?), but these things indicate to me that this game is loosing at least some functionality because it doesn’t have the population/popularity to support all of it’s features anymore.

because targem thinks that if they make items sparse then people will pay more. except there are 3 people total in the game actually grinding for these items and a few thousand buying them. funny how there is almost nobody to buy items and yet they run out. not to mention any free trade being ruined by targem robbing players of 10% of profits and comical 30-minute listing delays for no reason


The reasons I stopped playing is 1.) I have a spending problem 2.) I just bought a car and need every cent to go toward the payments. 3.) I got a raise in hours due to good performance. So, not only can I not spend on the game but, and mostly, I’m just too tired, thusly, unmotivated to play.

I know I’m just one person in comparison to the numbers but, yeah, that’s why I haven’t been on the game.

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The market nerf absolutely screwed it, particularly some low end items and common lights.
Most of the time they aren’t possible to buy, even if they are for sale, because they are “outside the market window.” One of the absolute dumbest things I’ve seen in any game ever. Like, they are for sale for 0.11 coins, but you can only buy them for 0.13… so you put a buy order in that will never get filled meanwhile there’s 10 lights for sale that can’t be bought. :man_facepalming:

Also some of the rarer items, like a few of the old blue cabins, decorations, stickers, paint ect can’t be put up for sale for a reasonable price (say more than 100c) so nobody will sell them, This is why some item’s are being removed from the market, people refuse to sell them for peanuts. I have a fair few of the old “collectable” item’s and absolutely refuse to sell them.

I can understand the why, it was to try and stop the super rich players buying everything up and selling at extortionate prices, but it didn’t work… look at the xmas event where those silly ducks were being sold off for mega $$$$$, the idea was to stop this but ultimately made no difference and ended up just pissing everyone off one way or another.

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the greed of some fucked up the market
imagine paying 2k+ for wheels that are worth 50 at best and got no advantage compared to others

I don’t really think there were that many of those blue low rider wheels sold, they came out a number of years ago on a cheap pack. Post people upgrading them I don’t think there is that many of them actually left un-upgraded. The ST versions are worse then the Non-ST version just via player build usage. There’s only been a few times where they’ve stop repeatedly pushing out the same parts this and Athena are I think the only 2.

It seems like they’ve done a lot to this game, and added a crap load of new features over the last year or two, but none of it has made the game more popular.

Just recently with this Christmas season, it seemed like they dumped heaps of free stuff into the game, plus easy events, and have thrown all kinds of cheap and easy starter kits at the public, but none of it stuck.


They didn’t even break 3K over there today. I’m not real sure where else they could make their presence known, besides Steam (their own forum?). Their online storefront is pretty intimidating, as far as the prices go. To me, their prices seem far fetched, and they don’t really make sense compared to what they are willing to sell a Battle Pass for.

I have no idea how they could make this game more popular, but I think they need to, right? I can’t even recommend it to anybody, though. I’d like to. It’s pretty, but it’s mostly a pain in the ass, and only fun occasionally.

I’d agree though I do wonder how much of the player bad press also effects them.

I’m not going to be unfair I like the game.
I do think there needs to be more fixes.
I do think there needs to be more things to do outside of PVP.
I do think there are current balance issues yet to be addressed.

I don’t think the game is a waste of money either as a live service game. I just think they have a major disconnect with players. That is something they could fix if they want to.

I think it would be good for them to break from Gaijin too especially if they have nailed them down into an exclusive publishing deal.

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44 and 35 is quite a lot

Game has been bloated with all kinds of stuff and tbh I think that puts players off knowing there’ll be endless hours of grinding to get a decent build together. Puts me off some of the time, especially when the new BP has some new OP thing in it you just hear the collective groan in the background. And then everything gets nerfed so all you’ve done is waste a few weeks grinding to end up with a paperweight… rinse and repeat.

Things that definitely need to be fixed imo:

The current brick meta around 9k is utterly hateful.
Skills don’t seem to count for much anymore, holding W is the only play style and bum rushing your opponents seems to work without any real counter. The recent Uranium War event was absolutely disgusting for this to where I went back to an old Whirl Dog concept which was low skill but at least worked.
Back when hovers could manoeuvre properly you could actually use some skill, not saying there should be a hover meta again but tbh there will always be some meta or other, may as well make it something that requires some skill. An equally skilled player could at least counter them too and it was better than this. Also players would aspire to having a hover build and be excited, I don’t think many players get excited about driving around in a storage container with guns strapped to the roof!

Normal matches are almost always totally 1 sided. (I usually play “Next Step” because a) you can at least have a decent match and b) imo it’s a lot more fun and tactical.)

Raids are boring and repetitive to the point were autocannon on legs and point click is the way to go just to get them over with quickly.
Leviathan Invasion would at least be viable but copper as a reward sucks and is frankly a waste of fuel. Also it needs to be done at different maps, had the same map for the past what, 5+ years?

Story “Adventure Mode” is unfinished, becoming more broken as the years go by and seems to have been long forgotten which I think is a great shame. It was also silly easy to the point were a half decent 5k build can walk it with very little effort.


Do you mean cash for packs?

Game simply is not fun. There are two ways to have fun with the game for the general playerbase, either go full metaslave/performance build, group play and sealclub, or then the fun playstyle of abandoning winning and just aiming to be annoying/“troll” builds

And then all the possible new players get thrown in between that and nope out. Honestly we have pretty much shifted from trying to get more player, to just trying to retain the players that are left, that is how I have been feeling for a while now