Reload modules

This was posted elsewhere, but maybe the devs read the forum and this will stand out.

The special reload gives 10% boost for 1 energy.
The epic reload gives 20% boost for 2 energy.
The legendary reload gives only 25% for 3 energy.

Reload weapons at-large are less effective than their counterparts right now. To make matters worse, the legendary rad/cooler is only 2 energy (makes no sense).

Make the legendary rad 3 energy (buff stats if needed). Keep the reload mod as 3 energy but buff reload to 30% base.


that would be good

It does do this, just as your weapons take damage. I think it gets it up to 50% or something similar at the weapon’s half health

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I dont have the numbers in front of me to do the math but the premise that the perk will help the weapon is correct. Much like all the other perks of parts help those parts.

The epic and legendary rads/cooler also have perks that help them. Reload needs to be more competitive and that is an easy way to help it become so.

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They don’t read the forum period. I use to think that once upon a time but I have wisen up to the fact that they don’t chime in on anything anywhere really. The forum is just a thing that’s there.
You might have some better luck here: Russias knockoff of facebook

Edit: Another thing I just realized too. like why would the devs read the forum? even the russian side of it just to listen to the same handful of players ranting and raving. They got a whopping 162k followers on vk so I’m sure that’s where they are too like always. Hell reddit only got the same loudmouths over and over just like the forum so I doubt they even checks reddit let alone the forum.

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I think the perk needs a good buff, 20% extra of 25% for losing 2 thirds of your total combined weapon durability is pretty cheap. You don’t want the base reload to high cause it will break the game and make both flywheels obsolete so i say buffing the perk only would still keep all reload modules viable.

I know you are familiar with power scores. Legendary gear is supposed to be better than epic gear. As I pointed out, each of the other modules get 10% for each energy. Placing it at 30% keeps it consistent with the others and the 3 energy and PS keep the others from becoming obsolete, while also giving reload builds an opportunity to improve DPS to try to keep up with some of the meta builds.

I dunno I think they should massively buff the perk instead to about 60% and keep the base 25% so that makes having a full active bonus buffing the reload to 40%. That would also entice players to have their weapons out in the open too instead of having it boxed in, but however they decide to go about it it do need a buff one way or another.

Outside of a few builds like wheeled mastos, people will not just leave their weapons to be degunned. As such, 25% isnt worth the extra energy unless the perk is really strong.

We may disagree on the way to fix it but we agree that it is weak as is and needs a change to make it competitive.

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You… do know what the perk is, right?

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It ain’t the perk I would of choose but I kind of like it, and it makes sense too. I see the perk as a kind of last line of defence when your down and out and close to death so that’s where they can go to town with buffing the perk and still not ruin the balance of the game.

Also at least it favours heavy high hp weapons unlike omamori that only favors small low hp weapons that can fit multiples on the module like hammerfall so you can consider it as a slight counter balance to the hammerfall/omamori combo.

Outside of firebugs/draco attacks, most players lose their weapons before they die. If you choose to make it easy, you will lose your weapons before you can benefit from the perk. But you do you.