Return of hyperborea. part 1

I had 40 seconds game, 2 minutes game, a 30 seconds cloak will be too much.
Just imagine people usually grief about drone builds running wild in the last moments of a game, why you don’t SD kind of stuff.
30 seconds cloak will be fun, a lot of cowards will be using it. :slight_smile:

Cheetah will be still better, tonnage and mass limit.
The new engine will be the same as the others, meh.

Need to complain to the Dev team and not to me, I ain’t got the power to do anything or the touch, that’s Stan Bush, all I can do is roll out!

No need, i can’t be bothered complaining to the devs :slight_smile:
I don’t do reddit anyways.

No, the new engine should have more tonnage and more of a speed boost than cheetah. Oppressor is currently the fastest engine in the game, and this is supposed to be an upgrade to that.

Cheetah will still have its place, especially with builds that rely on cloak.

I don’t think cheetah or oppressor raise your mass limit, unless they changed something.

That new engine sounds like a real sh1tcake on this turd sandwich once again, you just know they won’t roll a single balance change along the update and the already small and nimble steamrolls the whole enemy team with 4 rapid fire machineguns or 3 cyclones kinds of builds are just gonna be an even bigger pain in the behind now

Have you seen the few calling for track NERFS?

They say tracks are too overpowered right now, and it’s stupid.


Opressor, Cheetah and Dunhorse are the only ones giving more tonnage and mass limit, all the others give only mass limit ( i went to check).

No. You’re right; that is insane.

Oops, I forgot about the little mass limit boost those ones give, since I typically turn to them for tonnage and speed, and use the others when I need more mass.

Nevertheless, I’m still not sure why you think this engine will be worse than cheetah. Sounds like it will be faster and give more tonnage, plus a totally different perk. I expect to use it a lot, as I prefer to play light fast builds. Pegasus has been fun for big heavy vehicles though, and I am developing a taste for the feeling of driving a building.

Not worse, just the same old stuff.

Cheetah, Oppressor, Dun horse, they have utility and perks, the other not so much.

Accuracy and transverse means nothing to me.

In an level below There’s Colossus , without adding to the tonnage, it adds to the build, more survivability to movement parts.

This new engine it only gives tonnage, that means you are trapped in whatever light build you have ( to take full advantage of the speed buff), but are you?

I can’t put this new engine in my Storm Chaser ( light drone build) it will go from 117 kph to 18 kph ( cause of my mass limit) and cheetah not only keeps that build and others working but also speeds up the reload of my drones second by BFs. My co-driver is R2d2

There will be many other people in the same position, if you change the engine for that one you will break the build, and for what? 30 seconds invisibility? less spread? transverse speed?

Just one more item to put in the useless pile.

Guinding Star BP had so many useful things in one, these new ones are pretty pale in comparison, first things to came out of the new BP and i am not impressed.

judging by the look of it id say it looks like its going to be slightly smaller then the colossus engine. maybe not as long but just as wide or taller.

yes please. exploding icicles would be funny lol. also why not include a snow cannon CK for things like cannons? would be hilarious shooting balls of snow at people our of a mammoth or a mastodon :rofl:

…how? how are they overpowered? the fastest they can move is what… 90 i think? they also have a wide turn radius… am i missing something here?

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Correct me if I’m wrong, but I don’t think they said the new engine won’t give any mass limit increase, but rather that it will be more focussed on tonnage, like cheetah and oppressor.
However, it will probably be heavier than cheetah, so still might require swapping some armour pieces if you build right up to the mass limit.

Having said that, the best way to use light cabins is to not build all the way to the mass limit, so that you can retain acceleration. Tonnage engines are also the better choice, so that you can use as few wheels as possible to retain your maximum power. There are exceptions of course, but for those of us that like speed, this one should be good.

And the perks are useful: better weapon durability is a big thing, and improved accuracy while moving should also make high speed wheeled play better.

For a drone build, cheetah and Bigfoots are still the better option. For light builds with guns, this new one should be great.

I’m surprised they didn’t have a legendary Hot Red instead… it could give a big bonus to tank speed while costing 0 energy etc like the epic one… but I guess that doesn’t sell as well as power-creep

I’m sure that’s coming within the next year. They seem to be trying to fill in gaps at the upper end of the rarity spectrum.

they’re just mad their melee builds can’t chew through them in half a second (the dual tank track builds, you know, two on each side, might be to blame)

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yeah! how dare those goliath tracks be so damn tanky! i want my shotguns to be able to tear through them in 1 volley, we should lower their hp to 1. thatll teach them!!

… yeah that was just painful to write. the sarcasm i attempted there just hurts xD
still though what do they expect? tank tracks are very… well… tanky. (no pun intended… maybe.)
they are supposed to have high hp based on their size. they are a big target so its natural to give them alot of hp. plus the smaller they are the faster they move and the less hp they have. but if its not hovers people are going to cry about theyll find another movement part to cry about. :crazy_face:


Cheetah and Oppressor gives 3 tons of mass limit and a ton of tonnage.

You’re right, light builds shouldn’t be close to mass limit, mine is not i don’t have Grizzlie anymore, i manage to cut back the weight without compromising the armour.
120kph, is not fast enough? maybe a couple of boosters will be faster than this new engine.
There’s averter, omnimori, you have the Mechanist cab, Coohort, that cab that often is kept in the open ( i cant remember the name).
Well i always was a SG user, i have a couple of AC-62s and a couple of Cyclones, I don’t care about accuracy, but how much can i put down range, it will be the same with the following toys, matter of taste i guess.

The thing is
It will be a legendary, if you have to switch armour parts it will be worse, not only because it’s a light build but lighter version of your original build in a higher PS.
Two things could happen.
you break your own build, what was good in a PS could be bad in another.
or you switch something minor that will affect in a bad way your build

You have that backwards: cheetah/oppressor only give one ton of mass limit, and three tons of tonnage.

And when I talk about speed, it’s not just about the top speed, but more about the acceleration. In Crossout, the two are related. Higher top speed often means more for your acceleration than power does (depending on how heavy you are building).
Some light cabins had their top speed reduced a while ago, which meant you needed to run Phobos to hit the max. Also, there are some fast medium cabins that feel very different if you can boost their top speed enough.

We’ll see what the actual stats are, but I feel comfortable predicting that it will be the fastest engine in the game. And the perk suits my preferred playstyles. Might not work for you!

I don’t get attached to builds. Always scrapping them and starting from scratch. So I don’t worry so much about whether swapping in a part will put me over the mass limit. I just start fresh.

You’re right i mixed up but it still stands.

I think the speed nerf was for all cabs, FAV used to do 100kph now it’s slower.

Then we are in opposite sides, the upside of your approach is exactly in this cases.

I like to build for something, to focus it’s purposes, to tweak until i manage to be close to perfection, for the sake of perspective i can say that both Storm Chaser and my medium builds/ heavy builds came out of two builds used in the slaughter event two years ago.
Storm chaser was an evolution of 5 k drone builds that i had after a failed 4 Gobblins build that i initially used in that 6k slaughter event.
I like to keep track of my builds, good and bad, I still have late variations of my very first race build.
I recently managed to bring back from the scrap my SG build ( killed by the co-drivers rework)
Storm Chaser done the operation Radiance, Off we go, and before that it was already in combats.
I still can muster to the field the builds i used in operation Gozu, operation red light. Hell, even builds that you gave precious advice for.
If it’s not broken don’t fixed, and build upon what is already made, improving, always improving. I’m not using Grizzlie anymore in some builds e.g.
The downside, is… when big changes come, might kill the all effort.