To try and make some sense out of this odd demand, maybe? IDK. Why do we need this at all? I don’t think we do. There are movement parts in the game already that offer full speed reverse.
Electric motors make sense for it because it doesn’t need a transmission for torque control.
Adding transmissions to the game could be really nice to an extent that it would add versatility to existing engines. It doesn’t even have to be a straight out module if they added slots into cabs. Anything thing from gear ratios to traditional tank steering is easily covered by functions of a transmission.
I wish they would have made the game centered around the Engine, rather than the cab. Then transmissions would make a logical module to add to the game, tires, etc. The way they built the tech-tree for this game is messed up by using the cabs as some kind of power source, I think. After that the logic is broken, and creating features from that tree is forever wonky.
IMO, cabs should merely present an interface for the features given to the build by the motor and whatever other modules they were able to run off of that.
Once the cab was made to be the power source and the object of this game’s features, everything after that is nonsensical too, I think. So, the OP is right I guess, about wondering why things need to suddenly make sense. They don’t anyway, and I don’t suppose they need to start now (nor can they), but I can’t say I like the idea of making it worse.
I’d rather they introduced an electric motor (as was suggested) that presented full reverse as a perk. It would make sense for the Engineers to have at least one motor on their bench too. They could start with this electric one, and I would like this implementation of a full reverse feature better…better than just making all wheels go hella fast backwards because melee ate my lunch.
I mean, if I have a wheeled build that accelerates slower and has a lower max speed than an enemy melee build, what use is it to me if I can go in reverse for 16 seconds before I finally reach 75km/h? But if I could acclererate to half of that much quicker (just cap reverse speed at half of max forward speed without Hot Red, more on top of that with it), I’d have a chance to make a better turn to escape or clear line of sight for teammates who could then shoot whatever is facehugging me.
And if you give better acceleration with max speed in reverse, you’ll only end up with facehuggers remapping their controls and building their cars backwards to move in reverse by default.
The melee is absurdly thick right now (pvp). 90% of the players I meet are completely helpless against it. I am too. I was coping before with speed and agility. Not so much anymore.
Is this the result of that 30% durability increase I was hearing about? That was supposed to be this weekend right?
Me and this other guy got a melee trucker pinned (he messed up flipped), and we both just sat there and shot him uninterrupted the entire match until the end, when the bulk of the red team that was left unscathed descended upon us. The melee guy survived.
There is literally nothing you can do about the melee presently, as far as I know. Even if melee-dude holds still and lets you shoot him nothing happens. It’s pretty wonky. I’m not sure what they expected. I’m pretty sure somebody here mentioned this would be the way it went. They were right. It’s pretty bad.
Why would I reverse with wheels? To get unstuck from something and then go forward again. To straighten out limited angle weapons too. That’s it!
There is no reversing with Wheels! Just go forward! Charge! Zig Zag! Keep going forward or bust a 180 and go forward!
Now treads, yes reverse and fire, go forward and fire and repeat until they are dead.
Yeah pretty much agree. I think much of the wonkiness comes out of this lust for simplicity as it saves time on explaining how things work in game. I wouldn’t really care if they gave engines slots for transmissions instead of cabs either I just kind of want some type of logic to it that actually lends some aspect of believability to it. Even with the fantasy sci-fi bits of the game the gearhead stuff should work like gearhead stuff. There’s ton of stuff I would have suggested doing differently in terms of the general building of vehicles in game too.
In regards to the previously suggested electric motor which, I still think would be the best fix. I have a feeling that the reason the OP is scoffing at it along with the suggestion of just using Big Red is they probably want to pick up a perk from a different motor. Which is why I’m suggesting some redundancy of function with the transmission. There isn’t any real reason why the solution can’t have two different routes to get there in the game.
Reverse is useful but it’s still better just to get out of the line of fire.
Read and understand this, wheels have no meta use that is not aggressive dog builds, ZERO. They are terrible movement parts for ranged builds that do any sort of direct fire (Excluding hurricanes, heathers, drakes, everything that doesn’t need line of sight) simply because they crumble like wet cookies when they get rushed. What’s going to happen with wheels getting significantly faster reverse speed? Ranged wheel builds get to be competitive? Oh my god what a travesty!
Your solution is garbage because it requires players to make concessions with their build in order to have a capability that should be inherited with their movement. The aggressive players don’t need to make any sort of build concession to rush down any build in the game. But if a player wants to reverse away from an aggressive player that will be their cab or engine perk, while the dog gets to keep his. ITS RETARDED.
“Get of the line of fire” If you aren’t in their line of fire you aren’t putting damage on them while they are shredding your teammates. Dumb asf.
Why does everybody turn into the most contrarian boomer the moment I ask for a global reverse speed buff on wheels with no strings attached? Are the dogs suddenly going to be more OP than they are? No, its going to give ranged builds with wheels viability.
Yikes dude, take a deep breath.
I have 2 meta builds on wheels that are not aggressive dog builds and they wreck top 10 clan wars every single session. One is a triple destructor, the others are my collection of various double bubble wheels builds.
I’m hoping youre an Xbox player so I can demonstrate this when the merger comes. But honestly, just reading your posts, I’m 99% sure I’ll never see you in a CW battle anyways due to placement differential.
The funniest part to me is that I agree that wheel builds could use more reverse functionality. At least acceleration. But the way you vehemently are just spouting off demands and insults, you’re not helping your own case.
Lmao there it is! You use W meta with a Destructor cruiser/KTM or a double Aegis on Consoles in Top 10 CW, out of how many active clans that play every session? Zero self awareness that he is playing the DPS W meta I say wheels are only viable for
I only insist as arrogantly as I do when I know I’m right because nobody puts up a decent argument as to why wheels should not inherit higher reverse speed. These counter arguments and suggestions are triple boosted.
I’d rebuke this if it wasn’t so obvious how much of a nonfactor you are. But as it is, you are a shitcan incapable of meaningful dialogue. Keep whining to no avail and enjoy whatever bottom feeding bracket of XO gameplay you so clearly inhabit.
Ah yes… because buffing -wheels- would decrease the W meta…
No, just no.
Wheel buff incoming
Definitely not a buff. Maybe a sidegrade, very likely a downgrade, but no fucking way in hell this acts as a buff.
Never said it would astute one.