Rework Adventure Mode When?

The Devs keep refusing to address a well needed rework of ‘Adventure Mode’. Many of you can and will argue that this is a dead horse well beaten, the Devs argue that this mode doesn’t make them money or is a inconvenience to address. But it can make them money. if they refine or rework Adventure Mode, if they can make it an amazing experience for new and old players as well as implement DLC for the story. Then maybe people might get invested in said mode. There’s nothing wrong with PvP, but the Devs must realize that Crossout is much more then just a PvP Game. True they’ve gave us Raids and random PvE/PvP events occasionally, but Adventure Mode hasn’t been touched ever since they removed engraved casings. So I once again ask…Reworked Adventure Mode When?


The more pressing question is: Rework of Star Wars KOTOR 2 when?

I do think that adventure should be reworked to better reflect where the game is now.
If adventure is meant as the introduction to the game and a tutorial, then I definitely needs to be updated.
And if Adventure was better, it might convince more new players to hang in there and become regular players.

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i like adventure quite a bit, racing around a big map is fun to me. they need to update it, bring back the weeklies for it and make it have engraved casings again with a much higher drop rate. seriously the 1 casing per scrap pile was insulting. give us more to do in the mode.

but if you ask the cry babies on reddit theyll down vote you and whine that it doesnt make the game money and whatever other garbage they spew out of their pie holes. i say make adventure better then what it is, its not even playable for any reason right now. yeah you can go in and blow up cars but its pointless.

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If you’re only motivation for adding/updating something is it can make you money, you are going to fail as a developer. Adventure mode should be reworked, it needs it (they haven’t even updated the Foxy profile picture), and having something fun without the need to pay for it would massively boost this game’s playerbase.


i full on agree. the game isnt fully about pvp, its a mixed bag having both pve and pvp. why have pve if your only going to focus on pvp? it makes no sense. i would like it if the devs focused more on pve this time around rather then just the pvp aspect and a battle pass every 120 days or so for new seasons. pve needs a touch up and adventure needs alot of work to. add more to it, its so bare bones that im not surprised that noone goes into it.

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Exactly ! Using the movie The terminator as a reference. In the future AI had became the enemy of all mankind. The Crossout story line should evolve into a PVE mode . The Awakening map provides the perfect scenario for such a story line resulting into a new battle option. Killer drone carriers flying above dropping AI air & ground based units spreading mayhem . As some human factions stil remain allegiant to the AI. The Awakening had several big side missions already that you fought mob bosses. So why not continue the story line and evolve this game further! Helicopters, drone ships, ground based units. Mayhem!

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