Rework(s) Suggestion(s) šŸ˜

I play drones a lotā€¦Iā€™m not sure I have any weapons that donā€™t suck, frankly, but I think Iā€™m pretty OK with where drones are. I wish the Grenadiers werenā€™t quite so stupid sometimes, but whatever. I do agree that this game is better when drones are under powered rather than over powered.

Iā€™m content to make it work how it is, I do remember how awful the sidekick plague was, and I hope we never see anything like that again.

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Kapkans - This may trigger some people but they need to be made usable again!
I really donā€™t know whatā€™s wrong with them but they simply donā€™t work at the moment, played 5 matches with them yesterday and managed to snag 1 enemyā€¦1 out of about 25 and there were a lot more it could/should have snagged but simply didnā€™t fire. Had far more success in PVE which is outrageous seen as bots/raiders almost immediately shoot them.

I read somewhere there was some mass/speed calculation now and a firing direction? I think that should be scrapped.

What I would do:
It should be the same firing mechanic of before, so get rid of ā€œturret style directionā€ if that is the thing because you never know which way it faces anyway, have a delay when first deploying, same as the king, so you canā€™t just immediately snag someoneā€¦ perhaps 1.5s - 2s is fair.
The time it holds for is then based on cabin type, so for instance a light cabin for 5s, medium for 4s and heavy for 3s.
Get rid of the 45s timer on them but keep it so you can only ever have 2 at once.
Reduce ammo count back to 4 and ammo boxes only give half of the extra, so 20% and 55% for the rare and epic.

There are so many counters to these, show up on map if you have any sort of radar detector, can be shot, argus disables, drones and bots immediately shoot them ect that they donā€™t need to be so bad. Imo they were never OP in any power score before so not sure why they got nerfed so hard.

no, drones need more love then what they get man. why have them in here if they are going to be useless?

who says that we have to? there are ways to balance the game other then bringing them back to absurdly strong metas. id love for drones to be at least usable because currently they arent. id love to be able to use drones more in pve and i feel they had been nerfed to hard.

the main reason they were nerfed were because of grenadiers and annihilators. two metas that dominated in clan wars, minus the relics and their metas. they were all you saw at low tier clan wars and it was absolutely frustrating dealing with and coming across them all the time, big bulky builds stood no chance against either one. thats why all drones were nerfed across the board.

you have drones that are laughably weak for their rarity to. anacondas and owls are laughably bad, you can have a 3 course meal before they reload to fire another missile and their damage is so horrific that the only way youd kill someone is by them laughing at you so hard long enough for your drone to kill them.

i love drones and i want them to be playable and usable, but they got nerfed far to hard. hell even fuze drones arent a threat anymore. i used to run them in 10k powerscore on a glass cannon build and now they do next to nothing. even the stupid cabin with the self destruct 7 second buff to them isnt good enough for them.

you think sidekicks were bad? dude grenadiers were worse.
and some drones need a buff dude. anacondas and owls are unplayable and so pathetically weak. also bots need to stop focusing drones so damn hard. its so frustrating not being able to use just 1 of them because bots delete them the first chance they get.

The only was I would want drones to be buffed in any way is if you could only run 1. I suspect when they were designed that this was the intention. Other than that, absolutely not. Zero skill weapons should be bad full stop. Iā€™d go as far as to include Caucasus and all the homing rockets too. Anything that doesnā€™t require you to aim/pay attention should be at best 50% as effective as the real thing imo.

I guess you didnā€™t play in the sidekick plague, you could literally just release them at the beginning of a match and they would run off and hunt down your enemies.
Grenadiers at least needed to be dropped near the enemy.


dude homing rockets have far to many counters to be considered good. i agree with some like the nest but others arent that bad.

then that would be pointless wouldnt it? theres some modes where you dont want to be aiming and paying attention to where your going and drones help in that regard. modes like the ravager one thats going on is an example of that.

design choices can change. sure its irritating to have drone boats but crossout was designed with freedom in mindā€¦ assuming your not using a leviathan.

i mean it is kind of but this weapon aims only for the cabin. there arent many weapons in the game like it and it does have its downsides. drones are kind of the same but you have no control over who they target, with the caucasus you do.

i also want to say to that drones have been limited as well. they have limited range and effectiveness so they wont chase you across the map anymore. they are also limited by your radar to and your distance from your target, turret drones are stationary and require the enemy to be in range, wheel drones have to keep you in range and same with the quad coptor drones. they have been limited enough dude.

caucasus has decent durability, but drones dont. if anything the max hp a drone has is about 150 or so from what i gather, even less in lower rarities. this is low amounts of durability and practically any gun can delete them in little time.

  • limited range
  • limited to your radar
  • low hp
  • low damage

if anything turret drones should be buffed because they are stationary and cannot move from where they are placed. they are far more vulnerable to being deleted in 1 or 2 shots.
anacondas need a buff to and so do owls. you know what the base cabin damage for a anaconda rocket is? 75. yes 75 damage. the blast radius is a joke and their damage sucks and they are an EPIC WEAPON for christ sake! even if they dont buff the durability, buff the reload speed, damage and for god sake make it not hit the ground every time it shoots.

this isnt those days anymore now is it? drones have been nerfed badly yet your saying nonsense like they arent nerfed and they are a big threat to you.

i agree there is no reason for them to exist. shouldntve been a thing in the first place. but now people actually own them so they cant just flat out delete them

true, i own a few myself. the thing is, i think a few drones should get a buff at the very least and not be so hard focused on by bots. anacondas and owls need that buff because they are so useless and people just laugh at you when you pull one out of your tail pipe and set it up. they have 4 chambers for rockets so why not fire all 4 at once or launch a barrage of 4 missiles one after another with a little bit of a reload on them? it wouldnt hurt and even if they did 75 per hit it would add up. hell even buff it to 100 or 145 per hit on the cabin, SOMETHING to make them useful or even decent to use.

its a matter of making the AI not be godlike and simultaneously useless and also giving the drones some attribute apart from being tiny aimbots with wheels

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but turrets dont have wheels :slightly_smiling_face:

yes we dont need another grenadier / annihilator screw up but i think the anacondas wont be that broken. they are a stationary, epic weapon. they should act like and deal damage like one.

he said Drones :wink:

turrets are classified as drones thoughā€¦ arent they? :thinking:

it use to be Turret or Drone now itā€™s ā€¦

since when did they do that??

somebody at targem had to fill a quota

Varun Crossbow - Iā€™ve always known it was awkward and clunky but was looking at spike and the phoenix and checked it out quicklyā€¦

This is a joke right? 13 energy, 1755 power score and does about as much damage as an avenger 57mmā€¦
Must have missed something surely?

When they first came out they were turned into automatic crossbows by players running scripts, while they barely worked to anyone trying to play them normally due to very bad servers in general, so the devs nerfed them to the ground so that they suck with or without scripts, and justified it with ā€œIf we make them good people will run scripts so we canā€™t make them goodā€ and that was the end of Varun, I have fused Varuns that I never use because I need god-like internet connection and server stability just to feel like I am doing anything and even then they just suck, just like my Astraeus, I canā€™t land charged shots with them because of lag spikes. Especially bad with weapons that need you to charge and let go at a steady rhythm, I have not had a singular match where I inexplicably just not fire for 2-4 charges because of a lag spike happening and me still charging and firing at the pre-spike rhythm and failing to get any shots out.

Charging to fire is not a function that works in this game for the majority of people to be honest, click-2-fire is just way more superior because itā€™s a bit more easier to land shots even with servers shiddin and fardin themselves

they could arrange it, likeā€¦ ā€œtap-autocharge; tap-fireā€ ā€¦ and ditch the whole ā€œholding button down to charge shot shtickā€ :crazy_face: :thinking:
ā€¦imoā€¦ :grin:ā€¦it might require a bit more ā€œtimed tappingā€ but to me itā€™s better than holding down the button to do the sameā€¦

I find it weird how Varuns were made the way they were, because I remember them coming out right after they got rid of the old firing mechanism for plasma emitters and made them fully auto, because firing them like you used to have (hold button, let go, hold button, let go, hold button, let go, hold button, let goā€¦) to was such a big downside.

And then hereā€™s a new weapon that uses that same firing mechanism

CODRIVERS Rework Suggestion

codrivers are now split into two types

  • FACTION codrivers: are unlocked at certain faction levels (7 & 14) and once unlocked they are always available. also, Faction Codrivers have more narrowly focused perks that are ā€œin line with the factionā€™s creeds or somethingā€
  • M.E.R.C. codrivers: are a new type of codrivers ā€œRentable (with Intelligence)ā€ from the M.E.R.C. Sub Faction

M.E.R.C. Sub-Faction
Leader: The RAT QUEEN
Affiliation: Engineers - a recently formed sub faction of the engineers, M.E.R.C. aims to train and rent codrivers to whoever pays (hence the name M(ercenary) E(ducation) & R(ental) C(abal) :rofl:)

this sub faction does not require ā€œleveling upā€ even though it has 15 levels. for every 2 levels that he player raises engineers, the sub faction automatically rises by 1 level (lvl 15 at engineers lvl 30). the sub faction does not have prestige levels per se, but various items could be added to the engineersā€™ prestige reward crate such as:

  • coupons for rental of codrivers (like 50% INT discount or a certain codriver being free for a set time)

to rent a codriver from MERCs, the player needs to have:

  • a high enough level with MERCs (MERC codrivers have a F(action) R(ating) which determines the minimum faction level required to be able to rent that codriver)
  • enough INT(elligence) to pay for rental. every MERC costs 2 INT x F(action) R(ating) per Day
    so a codriver with a FR of say 7 would cost 14 INT per day of being hired

AND also to be noted, UNLIKE Faction Codrivers, ALL M.E.R.C. Codrivers have a DEMERIT (a debuff, if itā€™s easier to understand :wink:)ā€¦itā€™s just to add some colour/diversity (donā€™t panic :rofl: )


LUNATICS - Billie (lvl 7) & Peta Arda ā€œFIRECRACKERā€ (lvl 14)
NOMADS - Jay (lvl 7) & Nin Jah ā€œRATTLEā€ (lvl 14)
SCAVENGERS - Grizzly (lvl 7) & Gimmi Kuss ā€œGADGETā€ (lvl 14)
DAWN CHILDREN - Hertz (lvl 7) & Roe N Tgen ā€œSHORTCIRQUITā€ (lvl 14)
STEPPENWOLVES - Falcon (lvl 7) & Mark S Mann ā€œLONGSHOTā€ (lvl 14)
FIRESTARTERS - Atitlan (lvl 7) & Practy Kuss ā€œGLUEā€ (lvl 14)

M.E.R.C. Codrivers (as of yet)

Phobos (only they would have himā€¦ :grin:)
R2D2 (canā€™t remember the name atm; the payā€™s better it says)
Oliver Slick ā€œOILSLICKā€
Ice Flow ā€œVanillaā€
Arwe Clear ā€œTEACHā€
Madder Wishna ā€œDERVISHā€
William T R Hood ā€œARCHERā€
Yuki (forgot to write her when i wrote thisā€¦lol)

ā€¦finā€¦next episodeā€¦faction codrivers, an id-depth viewā€¦stay tunedā€¦for next wheneverā€¦ :crazy_face:

Sadly Fafnir is still the worst single shot shotgun, to the point that a fused Junkbow is way better than fused fafnir, or at least performs similarly as much but you arenā€™t relying on a bad perk and do more reliable damage with the junkbows.

Fafnir perk should be reworked honestly, these just do not have the range to make use of the increased accuracy, and even with the perk going at max you arenā€™t getting as big of an accuracy boost you can keep any distance.

Only time when this gun does any acceptable damage to anything is when you have the perk at max, and you are pretty much hugging a build, but you loose that damage the moment the perk even dips to 30% because the spread on these things is just that bad. By how the perk reads / functions youā€™d imagine you can take shots at enemies from a little bit more of a distance away when the perk is going, which would make sense because you need to be driving fast to even have the perk going, and then close the distance and deal damage with the perk going down and not needing to drive as fast, but no it needs the perk at max and to be very clos to even hit anything to a point of the damage being acceptable. Even my fused for more range Fafnirs just can not, even at full perk, make any use of any kind of distance, and junkbows have the exact same distance but are just more accurate even at that range because rather than having a bad accuracy perk, they donā€™t have any it just works way better.

And you canā€™t even facehug with these things as good as junkbows because if you donā€™t have any of the perk going, they do minimal damage even at facehug distance

Honestly the perk itself turns this gun to a less reliable Junkbow. Itā€™s like this gun is a Catalina (starts out with nerfed damage, but if you get the perk going high enough does insanely more damage, but you start at -something% damage rather than 0% damage increase), where the gun itself, with no perk boosting it, suffers from a reduced parameter (accuracy in the case of Fafnirs) and only does ā€œnormalā€ accuracy damage if you have the perk going halfway through or something

Itā€™s like rather than the perk boosting the weapon, you have to have the perk active for the weapon to function at all. Honestly they could give this gun the stock accuracy like junkbows and give it any old random bad perk, like damage resistance while reloading (too small to notice) or more rotation speed with faster you go, or +5% damage resistance while firing, it would instantly make this a better gun