
In the previous post I presented you with 3 alternatives:

1 - Bots are buffed to match the opponents they are facing.

2 - The game is rigged.

3 - The MM is flawed.

Do you understand why in PvP the game is rigged?

Because if a player loses 20 matches in a row he gets frustrated and leaves the game. And Crossout doesn’t want that.

He loses 20 matches because he is a casual player using a box with wheels and 3 different types of weapons, playing against experienced and well-equipped players.

On the other hand, if the player always wins, at some point he will get bored, there is no challenge and he leaves the game. And Crossout doesn’t want that.

There is no reason for it to be different in PvE (Partol)

There is a third condition (and I am an expert in this):

If a player plays for many hours in a row the game will ALWAYS put him on the “losing” team. Often you’ll be in a group with casual players against coordinated groups of players.

Crossout does this because if you’re always playing for hours, you’ll end up getting tired of the game and looking for something else to do. Which is TRUE. And Crossout doesn’t want that.

I’m a different case, I don’t mind losing 40 matches in a row and I love being placed against coordinated groups of players. For me, it’s a challenge. Also, I don’t mind collecting Unyieldings.

Again, I don’t see any reason for it to be any different in PvE.


dude i lose alot more matches then i win in pvp. its one of the reasons why i stopped playing it… well that and they ruined my old fuze drone build. still when i tried pvp now i just lose constantly and im rather tired of it so i just stopped playing. no joke in pvp id lose like 10+ matches in a row even if i played well.

pve is supposed to be more balanced not frustrating. if you think crossout is bad for this then warthunder pve is just unplayable.
im glad this game isnt as bad as warthunder in terms of pve, but the pve can still be rigged at times. sure there can be times where you lose but forcing the loss by over buffing enemies is just going to far.

'There are So Many Topics on This. at least Link them here if your gonna create a new one.

As I said before, English is not my natural language and sometimes I can choose the wrong words to express what I’m thinking. If I caused any confusion because of this, I apologize.

My post has nothing to do with how I think the game should or shouldn’t be.

I just explained why PvP matches are rigged.

And when I said “I don’t see any reason for it to be any different in PvE” I meant that I believe Crossout does the same thing in relation to PvE.

I can’t talk about Warthunder, I’ve never played it and I never will.

In Next Step, the enemy bots race directly for the beacons and snatch them out from under you, or follow you when they know you’re degunned. However, I’ve seen the bots on my team circle the beacon like Tyson and Jake Paul in a ring.

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Recording battles could help.

  1. To have a replay for detailed analysis.
  2. To expose something.

I record with OBS, at 1280x800 and 4500 Kbps. 1 minute of Crossout footage takes up some 30-35 MB. I upscale to 1440p for YT uploads, to get the better codec on YT. Set stuff to whatever your machine can handle. You may want the encoder set to “ultrafast.”
There’s a sound settings in Windows that reduces sound volume of sounds when a voice call is detected. turn it off.
Turn off mic/line in if you’re not using it, to rreduce noise.
Choose the game capture option in the scene menu, select “Crossout.”
Bind the keys for Start and Stop.
Latest versions of OBS may not yet be registered with EasyAntiCheat, and it’ll record a black screen. 27.0.1 works fine for me.

I edit in Avidemux 2.7. Settings to be changed:
Output format: Mpeg4 AVC (x264).
Video filters, in this particular order: resize to at least 1440p, then sharpening with Msharpen, intensity 200, threshold 1.
Output format: MP4 Muxer.
If you don’t disable the Windows setting for voice calls, OBS will reduce the sound volume of your videos by 16dB, so you’ll then have to increase it by 16dB in the sound filters. Set the format to AAC (FDK) bps to whatever you recorded with, e.g., 160, leave Afterburner on. If you’re not editing the sound, leave it as “Copy.”

they screw up badly with their MM lately .

its eigher NPC´s or Players thats been added to battles they have nothing to do in.

5080PS builds in a 1800 PS Bound is a little to much.

my base build without weapons is 1320PS with 1800

and i have to deal with other players whos Weapons alone are 1420 - 2260 how is this fair ??

they got a legit 3980PS builds labeld as 2300PS … and you wonder why you lose 2:15 ??

If your constantly losing in PVP try forming a group and working together, its normally the best way for consistent success although there will always be matches you still can’t win.

If you’re losing at pve I don’t know what to tell you… I honestly can’t remember the last time I lost a patrol, it’s usually my go to if I need a quick 5 matches to do the daily challenges.

Maybe try some different weapons, builds or tactics?

you shouldve seen before. i seen people with 14ks that were 2 - 4k powerscore. tell me how THATS fair.

im a solo player. for the most part… i dont really do pvp apart from events like the dronepocalypse or if im forced to by the devs for some stupid and lame battle pass…

there are forced loss matches man. my team will get erased in literally one shot by the enemies and im left to fend for myself alot of the time. its either we beat them normally, sweep the team, evenly matched or we get sweeped hard.

there is not a big enough distribution of competent players to actually balance teams, so either you wipe the enemy team or your teammates disappear before you even get close to the enemy. this is shown by the ps differences, when the game is particularly dead you get 10k ps differences

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3 flying cowards

and the seldome times on the other side

just play normal missions

You need to do some work on your build too, gun placement is terrible.
Also yes agreed, if you don’t like helicopters… as gangsterism said, play normal pvp.

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How often are you losing at Patrol for this to be a problem?

gun placement doest matter that much when youre more fragile than a crusty leaf

looks to be very low powerscore, gun placement was paramount when I first started, although that was a very long time ago. Tbh its just good practice

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No, you’re right. The gun placement on that Sprinter build is…problematic. Two of those guns are mounted on non-pass-through structure parts (fender trim) with a durability of about…what 16 points? That’d be a problem. I’m going to assume @Sethhaveron is new.

I like the raw vintage Crossout style of the two pick-up truck builds, and at that power-score I don’t see a big issue with using modules as armor and mounting them out in the open rather than burying them in the frame or something…still. At least the guns on those two are mounted on proper surfaces.

I made this very brief video years ago, I think to explain what we meant by concealing your explosives in the frame.

It’s meant to be a hella basic build for the video.

I think I pretty much still build my car-cars with this template, but with a lot more enthusiasm.

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I’d slap the coolers on the sides and the guns in the bed of the truck.

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Ya, on a pass-though part mounted right behind the cab, on the cab, and about one notch lower than the roof would be a great spot, IMO.

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they would be the first to shear off in collisions and effect the dps in a negative way

also it would be very off balance and most likeley prone to understeer