
i just witnessed a guy landing TWO full barrages of swarm missiles on a bot and it did nothing.
TWO FULL BARRAGES right on top of the build and it had 2 scorpions. now im no expert but i know for a fact 2 full on barrages of these missiles does EASILY 2000 damage. ON TOP OF THIS i had 4 direct hits of my jotuns on his weapons and they werent sparking at all. if this isnt proof that these matches are rigged then idk what is. those scorpions should been long gone from both those barrages and two direct hits from a jotun on top of the damage from the freezing pool.

edit: to clerify by 2 barrages i mean this guy ran 2 swarms and did barrages from both of them at once.

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now this is interesting…i don’t suppose bots are using cheats ( :rofl: ) so this much damage should have at least left it with only a sliver od HP…and most it’s parts gone…
…so let me guess…it fired it’s scorps and killed y’all?

why would just 2 hits strip a scorpion? swarm is not a focused damage weapon


it kept firing at me and stripped my frontal armor very quickly. i have something like… 800 or so hp just on the front and it stripped it all in 2 shots. i know for a fact scorpions dont do a whole ton of damage, they are a focused weapon that does a fixed amount but bots scorpions work differently then player scorpions. they pierce the entire build unless it hits the cabin then it stops.
and yes we ended up losing because it was a forced loss match.

no its not a focused weapon, but the damage alone to the scorpion shouldve done at least enough damage to strip it off with AT LEAST 2 direct hits with my jotuns. if not then the damage from the puddle couldve finished them. however this wasnt the case.
still the scorpions shouldve taken enough damage with those 2 barrages even if all the missiles didnt hit the scorpions. dont forget to this was a straight on attack, point blank range. the scorpions took the brunt of the attack there as they were mounted over the cabin.

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These bots usually have Aegis Prime.

2 hits with double swarm nor 2 hits with double jotun strip a scorpion, is what what you mean

I always find the damage indicator on all explosive weapons to be kinda wonky, like even on a Lucifer I can unload two full barrels of the missiles (2 guns so that’s 40) + whatever extra the perk brings if it activates, and see huge damage numbers, but in practice the enemy does not seem to take much damage, no modules popped no guns shot off no movement parts destroyed and looks like at max a few surface structural parts fell off

thats 2 hits with a point blank swarm AND jotun. all shots connected.

nope. he wasnt using an aegis i wouldve seen it pop up.

i said it before and ill say it again, the matches are rigged so you lose on purpose. hell dude i seen a scorpion bot hit a team mate bot from across the map and one shot it. hell my team mates will go into battle and just get one shotted when its a forced loss.
they either have vastly more hp or the damage to them is heavily reduced. cause dude, if you hit someone with 1 swarm barrage you get those 8 shots in and that boost, you hit them again and thats a ton of damage. on top of that the jotuns projectiles do a flat amount of damage on hit and the puddle does extra damage but this but acted like superman and just shrugged it off like a bad hangover.

if this is true (and i’m not doubting you m8!) that’s just next level low…it did happen to me a few times (getting rekt in the first few seconds of a match), by getting shot from god knows where (didn’t even see the enemy) and either being dead-ish or degunned completely (even if it was kind if impossible going by where my guns were placed), but i never thought it might be smt like this…just damn… :rofl: :grin:

In hard Raids, 8K PS is the “default”. For every 1K PS above this in your build, the bots receive a bonus of +15% HP and +15% Damage.

If your build has 12K PS, for example, the bots will have 60% more HP and will do 60% more damage.

This is additive for each player in the match. The more players in the match, the “stronger” the bots will be.

IF this formula is being used in Patrol, could explain what you witnessed.

As for rigged, almost every single match in Crossout IS rigged. If you win too many times in a row the game will put you in a match with players with a low win rate, against players with a high win rate.

If this “fails” and you win the game it will put you in a match with 4 players and 4 completely retarded and useless bots against 4 players and 4 OP bots.

The same goes if you lose too many times. Only this time the game will try to help you win.

I said almost every single match because there is always someone “needing” to win or lose in the game.

It’s possible that there’s a similar system in Patrol.

What I know for sure is that in Patrol the MM is broken, or at least Flawed.

Sometimes you’ll be put in a match with only 4 players against 8 bots.

Other times it’ll be 8 players ranging from 7K~9K against 11K~13k bots.

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I’m pretty sure they have been working on making bots more efficient for at least a year, tinkering with its A.I., and updating their builds. If you’re awake, you’ve noticed some odd behavior patterns now and then.

The last match I played had all four enemy bots target me right out of the gate, chase me down, and finish me off. Many of us are aware of “terminator mode.,” but I’ve never had that happen before. We all remember recently when the bots used to just take off running across the map, not firing at anything, or driving about in the acid sea like nothing was wrong. I’m sure we also realize that is no longer the case. They fixed it.

Point is, patch notes? Nope. Not usually, if ever. It’s Top Secret. They make all kinds of changes to these hidden dynamics, like bot behavior, and the matchmaker parameters, and more, that are never mentioned in update announcements or patch notes, yet clearly they do modify these features.

Why wouldn’t they? Some people will, for whatever reason, pretend like these features either somehow don’t exist, when they absolutely must have some sort of operating parameters, otherwise they wouldn’t work at all, or they pretend like they are the only part of this game that doesn’t receive updates, while the rest of this game openly does, or they say the mechanic we are complaining about is just too complicated for these developers to manage, despite them occasionally releasing brawls featuring similar mechanics, like drastically increased build fragility, or ranked matches and scoring…then we pretend like it’s not a thing, it’s all in our head. Whatever.

Almost everything in this game has been reworked, except Adventure mode, the matchmaker, and bots? They’ll reel it in, probably, but don’t expect an announcement.

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Was the original poster posting about PVE or PVP?

Was it Patrol or a Raid?

Raids have scaling, the higher your PS the stronger the Raiders. Stronger offense and stronger defense.

Of course, in a Raid you can use repair kits until you win.

How you know the swarm hit the bot? It hasn’t got huge hit area.

You can’t convince me about rigged games. There are some mm anomaly, when you destined to lose at the beginning unless some allies overperform all expectations. PVE 1 lose from 10-20 games max.

High PS patrols the AI defently have a buff more hp and durability some cases they hit harder. lower ps Ai just fall apart.

shit like that happen in pvp more and more often , it seems like cheater had found a way to edit stats to their whims.

you frequently see troll builds with barly any external attachments , very short and only one singular weapon as low as a Hornet and doing both :

sponging multiple big bore cannon hits like its nothing

fucking up your team members drive by with something that suppose to do only 3-max 8 damage per shot.

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not raids, this is patrol vs ai.

nope. it varies. sometimes we could sweep the enemy team with no difficulties, other times its like they have 5 times the amount of hp and do twice, if not more, the damage they normally should do.

i notice bots tend to “drift” around the map to. like they will follow me around despite them originally going after another target then targeting me. sometimes this results in them driving near me when i originally had no bots around me and i get targeted. the worst ones to do this are the cyclone bots.

this is patrol vs ai. i never seen a bot in raids with 2 scorpions minus bosses but they are supposed to be stupidly strong.

first off i witnessed this stuff myself. let me give you a few examples.

1: in one match i could hit a bot with 2 jotun volleys and their build would fall apart from the AOE damage alone let alone the initial hit. it takes a few seconds but they do fall apart. this means losing their wheels, weapons, frames, etc.

2: in a rigged forced loss match i could hit them with 4 volleys of my jotuns and they could hit in that puddle for a while taking AOE damage and they will not fall apart even after a full amount of time in these puddles. this has happened to me before at the exact same powerscore i always play at. sure, theyll lose a bit of armor, but they wont lose their weapons, wheels or anything else.

try explaining that.

Devs that why! :clown_face:

well i cant argue with that! :crazy_face: