I’m pretty sure they have been working on making bots more efficient for at least a year, tinkering with its A.I., and updating their builds. If you’re awake, you’ve noticed some odd behavior patterns now and then.
The last match I played had all four enemy bots target me right out of the gate, chase me down, and finish me off. Many of us are aware of “terminator mode.,” but I’ve never had that happen before. We all remember recently when the bots used to just take off running across the map, not firing at anything, or driving about in the acid sea like nothing was wrong. I’m sure we also realize that is no longer the case. They fixed it.
Point is, patch notes? Nope. Not usually, if ever. It’s Top Secret. They make all kinds of changes to these hidden dynamics, like bot behavior, and the matchmaker parameters, and more, that are never mentioned in update announcements or patch notes, yet clearly they do modify these features.
Why wouldn’t they? Some people will, for whatever reason, pretend like these features either somehow don’t exist, when they absolutely must have some sort of operating parameters, otherwise they wouldn’t work at all, or they pretend like they are the only part of this game that doesn’t receive updates, while the rest of this game openly does, or they say the mechanic we are complaining about is just too complicated for these developers to manage, despite them occasionally releasing brawls featuring similar mechanics, like drastically increased build fragility, or ranked matches and scoring…then we pretend like it’s not a thing, it’s all in our head. Whatever.
Almost everything in this game has been reworked, except Adventure mode, the matchmaker, and bots? They’ll reel it in, probably, but don’t expect an announcement.