Rockets too reliant on Rune-1 paywall

I don’t like this idea of a base part being reliant on a paywall part imagine if they did this to ammo boxes for actual ammo, it would be crippling… They should either adjust the fuel amount of the rune-1 adding it inline with the others as a legendary or allow the ammo boxes to still upgrade fuel for rockets adjusting the values around it to make it similar to what the epic gave even if it’s the lower of the two values. I.e. pulling it back to 80% as the Rune-1 has.

Old Rates:
Small ammo: 30%
Epic ammo: 110%

New part:
Rune-1 80%

This could scale nice at 25,50,75 or 50,75,100… Could be higher than this even provided the last one was a legendary.


Too many critical parts are being locked under a paywall. It’s dumb.


Don’t buy the paywall stuff and maybe 10 years from now, the devs will get the hint. Or maybe not.


It just seems off, I get a fuel tank for a single cloak wouldn’t be looked at as all that valuable across the game so they gifted it the ability to fuel something else. I just really don’t get why they had to do it in such a poor way that compromises the value of multiple other parts even a pack cab.

I generally agree though I wouldn’t mind as much if the season bp workbenches at least functioned like regular workbenches when a season corresponding to the faction in the bp was going on. i.e. level up the pass and open it in the workbench if you haven’t earned it in the previous ones. Right now it’s just too much of the exterior game marketing leveraged over the ingrained crafting system which you would think would be more integral to the game.

They probably have to figure out something to replace the mini-pass revenue stream first that they created. I will admit they did fix one of my main issues with the mini-pass which was it wasn’t originally inclusive of non-paying players for most of the crafting rewards but I still don’t think it’s a good system to handle the previous BP items.


Sadly I think the dev’s strategy will probably be to just add more and more pass that have those kind of items obtainable (already we see an option to make rotors on the current minor pass, rotors that are necessary for a whole game mode, I know the blue ones are evergreen but those are a joke). Technically you can get any item in the market… it’s just that the craft part of the game is more and more a lie.


Yeah was mentioned shortly after they announced the BP for them. It’s kind of a sad way of doing it.

That a large portion of what really bothers me. Another portion is that it messes with the market i.e. removes much of the ability from players to supply the market when prices exceed the value of an item. It’s supposed to be a player driven market but yet now it depends on the devs for a large share of the items.