So I finally got to testing out the Satori, and to put it shortly it’s as useless as the Jannabi, if you didn’t think the Jannabi was the best thing ever you’re not gonna like this at all
While on paper the 40% damage boost while drifting sounds very juicy, and easy to gain in test drive, in practice you’re going to just have 20-30% boost for 1-2 seconds before it goes away. Just like the Aggressor and Jannabi it’s just way too specific on when you gain the perk, making it a pain to acquire and hold up. Other damage boosting or specific weapon boosting and through that damage boosting cabins just do the damage boosting way easier and reliable than this. Drifting itself is a real pain to keep up in combat, and all my builds are way too stable no matter what wheel combinations I try out. Or, they do slide around like any build after the supercharge update, but just not enough to register as drifting until at the very extreme and then I just spin out and loose the perk as fast as I gained it, or am moving too slow and get guns-deleted by better builds that can stay stationary. Trying to drift on purpose a lot leads to bumping into players, both teammates and enemies, and map objects a lot more than usual, not to mention flying off in random direction due to map bumps and small hills. The perk just does not stay enough to make proper use of it, by the time I have the perk going and manage to get my aim lined up with an enemy, the perk is already gone. If I try to aim better, I can’t drift properly. If I try to focus on drifting more, I can’t get my projectiles to hit the enemy
My first thought was to try it out with 3 Yaoguais to get insane 40%+ damage, and while the few lucky times I got it, trying to gain said buff with drifting on top of sluggish weapon rotation even with oppressor, my drone placement was simply too bad at all times, even with the insane range of Yaoguai.
Next up I wanted to try a Waltz build, but the charge to fire was just too much for any build to really work so you need weapons that shoot when you press the button, rather than trying to drift + holding down the firing button + holding the aim + trying to not aim at your own build by accident and cancel the firing procedure and oh look enemy is out of aim and your perk is gone
Click to fire guns worked a bit better, but as those are mostly cannons I have way better cabs that boost them way better than Satori and perform way better when you don’t need to attempt to drift.
Then I tried dps weaponry, and once again in test drive this seemed promising, but in practice not so much. Any slower projectile gun (Thresher, Lucifer) just becomes too inaccurate to aim in between trying to drift and enemies moving at high speeds. Former hitscan guns were a bit better but still being stationary with just a Mars boost > hitting less shots trying to Satori boost while moving around.
I think Satori came out too late for it to really shine at anything, even any release and forget builds I could imagine would do good with this, like Fuzes, are just easier to use with either Aggressor or Ghost to boost the damage if you really need it
Assuming this cabin works like Jannabi, with drones you want to be drifting while they’re doing damage, rather than trying to drift while launching.
Your reticle will tell you when your drones are doing damage, so you just take that as your signal to yank your steering wheel back and forth and feather your handbrake.
In general, I find Jannabi best with weapons that do automatic periodic damage. Drones work well, but so does Jotun, as well as the new electric fence thing.
Harder to use with guns, although I used to like it with MGs and miniguns.
Looking forward to unlocking this cabin, as I’ve had a lot of fun with Jannabi.
Jannabi was a great cab before they went on their rampage against rotation speed. I loved it. I expected this new cab to be hot garbage for the same reasons the Jannabi is (outside of running drones). I don’t see the new cab working very well for drones though, because of it’s bloated legendary power-score. Thus it is likely to be even less useful than the Jannabi.
You’ve mentioned this before, but I remember them buffing rotation speed significantly for a bunch of weapons a while ago, and don’t remember any nerf. What weapons had a rotation speed nerf?
The net result has been a massive nerf that they continue to compound by removing any feature or fusion that buffs rotation beyond the weapons native settings.
No, their campaign against rotation speed is one they continue to expand, even up to the update right before this last one where they removed the rotation speed fusion from a slew of weapons.
All of them have had their rotation speed fusion removed from the options. I don’t think any of them offer it since the last update…or the one right before that.
But the reason they gave for that was that they’d buffed the base rotation speed of those weapons that the fusion was redundant.
Slow rotating weapons still feel slow to me, but they always did. And the oppressor/buggy wheels combo solves it for my wheeled builds, which are the only ones that really needed it.
We need a cab that gets +5% damage and resistance per enemy in close range, call it the Defiance, good for tank builds that go in first, or the last guy standing against multiple enemies.