Scared Bots

They just keep running away from everyone and not go for capture points anymore.

Ive had many games when im the last guy standing and im just capping to win the game.

And all the enemy bots are hugging the edges of the map, what is wrong with them?


my bots drive into a wall, while the 6000 hp fatass enemy bots drive right into my team and kill them all

I had this problem too:

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i think they are breathing in to much fumes.
that or they are trying to find their way back to the liquor store to get more booze but they just cant remember the directions there.

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New AI.

To escape melee and such. It’s annoying so you know it works.

Course weapon AI is broken AF. They sort of made them use turret weapon ai, but they don’t steer to aim so it’s a mess.
and defending/capping needs to be tuned more.

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Yes i have seen this issue over and over this week sure there is something wrong with them it’s useless

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The devs are doing it on purpose, people kept complaining how they’re OP because they blatantly were, so now they throw in 100% retarded bots because the people in charge of this game are like children who throw temper tantrums at any moment someone does not yes-man their every idea and move

Just like having guaranteed heli missions in every pass, big or small


If you ask me they should use both the old and new Bot A.I.
Starting with the old A.I. that rushes forward to capture points, and turning into the new ‘scared bot’ A.I. when they get to low HP just like players would do when they run out of HP.

so i just lost a match where half my team was still alive but they were all over the edges of the map with 3/4 of the enemy team dead and i degunned about half of them. there were 3 left and they had 2/3 of the base captured. the bots did nothing to help except “hey spongebob whats in this corner!?” then the time ran out and they won. ugh wheres a solid titanium wall i can slam my head against?


theyre just matching bots abilities with those of an average teammate

I wouldn’t be mad if all bots were programmed to go directly to the neutral or enemy base until engaged in combat. Once that engagement ends, they should go back to plan A and head to the base. This would take care of the late game situation where they just drive aimlessly. It would also be helpful if they faced the opponents and fired their weapons, lol.


just dont make them go for the base immediately, i hate playing pvp for fun and then i have to start a 50000 km journey to reach and save the cap from one stupid bot

I’d call that a smart bot, not a stupid one. More players should be smart enough to drive to a tactical area of the map rather than drive in circles in the center of the map. If everybody knew the bots would head to the bases (unless otherwise engaged), it would create a lot more heat in the areas of the map that should have traffic.