Seal Clubber Ganking Squads at Low PS

I just get tired of these long time players with op meta builds in 4 man groups scaring away new players at 4k.
Seriously, what are they trying to achieve?.

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Farming, plain and simple.

This has been a forever problem that’s pretty easily fixed but the devs won’t do anything about it.


What is there to farm when both sides recieve the same rewards? :thinking:

Since when does the losing team get the same as winning?

Also fuel.

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So, are we talking bout raids now? Yeah naa

Same thing as you and the rest of the “i just like low ps” gang. Farming noobs like the other guy said.

Just say it, “EASY” but cant stop high levels dropping down, in the same way you cant sell a new player a pack, then tell thim they cant use it, because, newbs club newbs to right?

I must be one of the only players who give weaker players a chance.

In the last 2 brawls, the ones with the kaiju and the fortune-like weapon (I forget the name), if I saw a guy on the opposing team has 0 kills while the rest of his team is scoring, and I meet him somewhere, even if I can kill him, I’ll purposely miss and give him a chance to nuke me. Nobody wants to walk away with a zero.

Same with pvp missions. Sometimes I just feel like playing in the 3-4K ps range. I’ll throw together a lightweight buggy, and if I see some obviously new guy driving a box with 4 cheapo wheels, 1 machine gun, and 1 shotgun, I’ll go easy on him. He needs the experience points; I don’t. Go easy on the new players and maybe more of them will stay with the game. Wow, what an idea.


Nothing to do with clubbing, that i can see. Just trumpet blowing. Youre not the only one. There is 100’'s if not 1000’s of. But, i am the only one that gives vets half a chance, when i use one chord mg cLub in 13000ps classic

I really wish there was a separate waiting cue for teamed up players and solo players, no matter what the PS nobody likes running into an organized 4-man cheese squad with some unbeatable team tactic that needs at least another 4-man group with a similarly cheap tactic to counter


Apart from Fuel yes there is not much difference.

Whats you ingame name man? you always talk crap about me but i never met you ingame.
Also i dont think driving a 55 km/h heavy cab with only 2 king mines is seal clubbing at 4k. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

me in the big black scorpions brawl. couldnt hit shit and kept getting 0 score all the time meanwhile they have a fucken magnet on their damn gun and can hit me every single time… do i suck at it? yes. do i want to put up with getting no score and wasting my time in a match with no reward? nope. its why i dont do it.

i mean you get more from scrap i think but idk. i dont pay attention to pvp much anymore.

they do it for fuel since they cant do it at 2499 anymore