As always, Targem overnerfs.
And takes about 1 to 9 years to correct their mistakes.
idk id say shotguns deserve it minus the fafnirs and nidhoggs.
mgs… idk. i mean my arbiters feel really weak now even with 4 of them. i see people run 5 of them though sometimes in raids and they output more damage then anything i can bring in, even dual cyclones with a joule doesnt out damage them. idk they just feel weak to me. dual reapers on a jackie is just mean… unless you dont mean miniguns?
usually they lump miniguns in with machineguns so thats what im assuming here.
I dont miss shotguns at all. They should have 200+m range for decloaking and droning though. Machineguns need to have almost zero bloom and less damage dropoff.
I don’t play shotguns but mgs and miniguns are still ok IMO and I have a bit of success with them. MGs are good at degunning and minis have great DPS.
They could probably get a slight buff compared to autocannons. The later tends to be better most of the time I admit. I feel though that MGs’ greatest problem right now is that the meta weapons are big weapons with a lot of HPs so degunning is not a great strat.
do you lump mgs and miniguns in the same category?
i mean they are both automatic… just one shoots faster then the other. and i think mgs have alot more spread.
…No…Do you? As was said, mg’s are good for degunning, accuracy i spoSe, and mini’s have goot dps was also said. Please pay attention to the text. Thank you
Later that day…btw, im sure miniguns have a higher rate of spread than machineguns, in use
From what I observe, MGs’ spread increases quicker, but that can be compensated for with tap firing. Miniguns’ spread increases slower, but you can’t really tap fire them, and therefore are more likely to spend more time shooting with maximum spread values.
Miniguns are definitely more popular in CC, but I’ve played some MG builds since the projectile update and they’re still useable.
SGs are a different story, and seem to have been hurt more by the projectile update. But they were also too strong for a very long time, so it’s fair that they’re not currently part of the main metas.
Dont overthink it. Its my opinion that miniguns have a much wider spread before during and after heat up
I’m not overthinking it, I’ve just played a lot of both.
It’s the rate of spread increase that I’m talking about. Base spread is a different thing, and I believe you are right that miniguns start out with higher spread. But if you hold the trigger down for a few seconds, the spread of MGs rapidly becomes huge.
If if if,exactly, if the machinegun is used incorrectly, then its spread is greater. Brilliant, forum logik strikes again…You dont have to mansplain to me
um, every topic you posted in looks like your looking for trouble.
you should go play on Reddit,those people have the answers you are looking for
in a way i put them in the same category but at the same time i dont due to their differences. its just sometimes i get confused cause i feel the game sometimes lumps them into the same category but i could be wrong.
Explain yourself, How am i looking for trouble? You are projecting troublesome.
Btw…are you even on topik?
Later that day…yu beware of those accusations
You come across very confrontational. Then you get defensive… I’d put you in the troll category of folk I wouldn’t even engage with. Maybe that’s unfair but life’s too short
if your talking about thlongngrindinrd… yeah i feel the same. i feel he was being unnecessarily hostile to me at points to. idk i cant read him sometimes but i was joking around and he did seem a bit offended. so idk
People these days don’t have a sense of humour.
Sorry yes, I thought I replied directly
I miss SGs
Are your feelings hurt. Lolol
Stay on topic
Nah trolls don’t bother me.
Stay on topic then