ok? uhhh what does that have to do with anything i said?
Well they didn’t compensate the shotguns at all. So there’s a possibility that the shots are just dropping off before they hit the target as I mentioned earlier. So with a low 35m range the shots would start to drop off even before that.
that is a possibility… hmmm…
i havent used shotguns like hammerfalls or anything, the only shotguns i really have are a few rares one mace as well as 2 fafnirs and a nidhogg. i mean i do have gremlins to but i dont think they been hit to hard have they?
They should be suffering just the same. However people often undermount and ram with those so they might not notice as fast. It’s not like they are trying to pin point aim them.
Did some more testing today, mostly on the range. All of it with hammerfalls.
They do some damage at 40 meters, but barely 1/3 of what they do up close. The damage drops off quickly after about 20 meters.
The spread seems to track the shape of the circle around the crosshairs, and it’s pretty big by the end of an overheat cycle. And the damage seems spread out over that entire area, rather than concentrated in the middle, which means you can lose half your damage when trying to degun someone.
You have to be basically touching your victim to not lose damage to overspray.
I assume that movement and gun rotation increase spread further, but it didn’t seem like the reticle grows while doing either. Hard to test that aspect, but I suspect that might be increasing the already bad spread to ridiculous.
the aspect isnt a shotgun though! (hurr hurr hurr )
how do you explain fafnir then? i literally have to be fisting them with my barrel up their bumpers to get off the full damage or at least a good amount. if that crosshair is even a slight amount off its target its damage falls drastically.
dont forget this thing fires 8 pellets and i cant seem to hit diddly squat with them. havent tried the nidhogg but i should tomorrow. its probably the same though.
That lines up with what I was seeing with hammerfalls. Damage drops off drastically when you’re not kissing your victim, and the spread is so big that a lot of that damage is lost from spraying beyond your target.
If you aim at guns on the top of a build, half the damage is lost to the sky. And the pellets that do hit do very little damage unless you’re very close to your target.
And that’s when shooting from stationary. Spread will likely be much worse in combat due to movement increasing it.
It pretty much seems to be inline with what they didn’t compensate the guns for. I do think it’s unlikely from what they said that they will increase the range on them as I have a feeling this is partially a fix for their shotgun brick issue but that’s kind of besides the point. Maybe they’ll mess with spread and projectile speed though.
The other things they could do for the shotguns is increase the amount of pellets and reduce the damage each one does in ratio to that. Which might help balance out some of the chance pass-by misses of the pellets against the silhouette of the target.
I’ve been experimenting a bit with tap firing instead of full auto, and that seems to be helping a bit.
Off course that’s not going to help with the reload shotguns.
Going to see if swapping to Falcon instead of Phobos makes any difference.
I don’t think I can get Oppressor or Finwhale on my build and still keep the PS under 9kPS. Although both benefit from buggy wheels, which use less PS than the Bigfoots I’m currently using.
It might help a little but I’m not sure how noticeable it will be as it’s 15%.
I’ve been really tempted to sell some stuff and buy some shotguns since they are fairly discounted right now. lol
I havent used them, but im imagining their problems are exacerbated server issues. Guns not hitting where theyre aimed has been a problem since before hitscan was removed. I suggest aiming comically ahead or behind until you find the highest damage sweet spot. From my testing, i had to lead targets with hitscan weapons to hit them shortly before they swapped to projectile.
Tl;dr - Poony, try aiming way, waaay ahead your target in PvP (especially when circling around/with an enemy) and see if that doesn’t give you higher damage numbers. I suspect it will.