Should this work like this or is it a bug? (B12 Dove)

Hello, I have found something strange about the B12 Dove mine launcher, if the mines directly hit an enemy they do less damage, but if they explode near the enemy without directly hitting they have greater damage. I noticed this when using a helicopter, regardless of whether the Dove Perk is activated or not the damage reduction is applied.

Is this on purpose or is it a bug? because in the description of the weapon this is not mentioned. :thinking:

thats weird… direct hit i got 500 damage and an indirect hit i did 1300. thats not right… its not supposed to cut the damage like that. this cuts the damage by more then half if hit directly, that doesnt seem right and is most likely a bug. a direct hit is supposed to do just as much damage as indirect. yeah i think you need to send in a bug report on that. nowhere does it say damage is decreased on a direct hit.
“it will explode ON HIT with their damage increaed by 25%” definitely seems like a bug to me.

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