Show us your builds

A little while ago Lock decided he needed to put together a reconnaissance chopper for territory patrol. The end result of many tests was a well-armed, sturdy, fast and highly maneuverable helicopter that could perform its job well.

(yes I traded my masty for a punisher. I think it’s more fun to play)


my ravager family xd

Hello, I did… these things:
a MIL MI-8T and an M1128 Striker contaminated by the Ravagers.

It’s the first time I make Ravager themed vehicles (mostly because I was only now able to buy decorations like “EYE”, etc.):

ps: the tail of the MI-8T is not the same as the one in real life, I made it more suitable to function in pvp. In the case of the Striker, since I didn’t have a Tsunami, I used a Raijin.


Sometimes you just got to put on a top hat and go out there


I wish they made tail pieces with 90% bullet pass through.

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small update: now they are more contaminated :b


Retirement Gift, decided to try and do this one some justice instead of painting everything all monotone like I normally does


Not sure what good camo is going to do…
Maybe they’ll think it’s a mountain?

Anyways here’s my beefy 12k hp leviathan.
About time I rebuilt it (the MK XII was showing its age), and I think the MK XIII is pretty good looking. Didn’t have time to really give it a paintjob, I’ll update it tomorrow.


Just made this monstrosity:

Wasn’t meant for any purpose, just an experiment to see how much durability I could put on one build. The answer is… a lot :laughing:


I wish they had a laughing emoji for that…

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Kaiju ready


been a while…here’s some recent stuff i made… :grin:

Screenshot 2024-09-07 232005
Screenshot 2024-09-07 232032
Screenshot 2024-09-07 231738
Screenshot 2024-09-07 231843



Screenshot 2024-09-07 231506
Screenshot 2024-09-07 231604
Screenshot 2024-09-07 231711

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This one is so long it doesn’t even fit in the slot:


I made it to test something, I’ll make a topic about it soon. :smiley:

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So instead of making a whole new topic, I added the test to the “Crossout Discoveries” I made a while back. Just so no one is asking or confused where it is :smiley:

Well I am back, also I completed the seasons content in 2 days… Anyway MECHS ARE COMING.


I 'bout to grind them all out in 2 hours. I’m going to die inside, but I will do it.