Show us your ranges!

This topic is basically the “show us your builds” topic, but for ranges. Show off your amazing test drive obstacle courses and art!! :smiley: For those that have no idea how to make a new range, test drive (P for shortcut), and then press “O”. You can also get more parts via crafting or market!! Now for the ranges… I’ll go first!!

This thing is on my exhibition right now!! It’s called “Pin_Thrower_V4”, and it is fun to watch a few times!!

Here’s the part list (a lot of the same things lol):

It launches 100 huge bowling pins into the sky and is super fun!! Sadly I can’t post a video, but you can see it yourself on the exhibition!! :smiley:

For those of you wondering about V1-3, 1 and 2 got deleted for space, and 3 is still here (for now) but has 80 pins instead of 100.

Now it’s time for you all to show your ranges!! :smiley:

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