Slaughterer thread

Just wanted to talk a bit about the gun since I recently crafted a pair, and keep seeign everybody claim it’s garbage.

I’ll be honest, I find it pretty okay. It’s like, a legendary Hulk or something. Not as big and tough as a Mammoth, but pretty great in terms of damage, and turns way faster. My main problem with it is that the charged shot seems mostly pointless, probably because of the 70% penetration, charging time, and loss of perk canceling any kind of damage boost you get. It’s better if the opponent stands still with its cab/mammoth fully exposed, but that’s about it…

I’ll try to build a specific car for it to max its potential. Probably will be on Harpy to get the most out of the perk.

Opinions on it?

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Okay, after a bit of testing, here’s my first tip (and probably the reason why my experience with Slaughterer is so different from others’).

Play Slaughterer on Torero. It seems the accuracy buff does apply to the spread of bomblets, in a VERY meaningful way.
While my dual Slaughterer Torero very reliably hits 1950+ on the damage ball, the same build with Harpy struggles between 1100 and 1500 damage, despite the increase blast radius. The difference is absolutely massive.

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Thanks for the tips!
I decided to spend my bearings on a second one, but haven’t had a chance to try them out yet, because I got sidetracked trying to make a useable Hammerfall build.

Did you try any reload boosting cabins?

Only use the harpy if you are using weapons with +to explosion radius upgrades imho.

If I had purchased the pass, Slaughterers would have been the guns I would have gone for, even before they gave it the buffs. I’m pretty used to not having the most meta ever weapons and they seemed pretty good, both shots are solid, the perk is solid, the gun has ok hp, aiming and shooting is ok

Honestly people complaining about them being the worst thing ever felt more like metaslaves trying out a weapon with just normal effectiveness after getting used to guaranteed mvp

Honestly felt way better than Lucifers, now that is a sucky gun, that did not even get that good of a buff (read barely noticeable and the most laughable hp buff ever, was it 40 points more or something?) while Slaughterers and Swarms got megabuffed

Try them with steppe spider cabin change, play them med-long range. I had fun with them. They are not as “good” as the new grenade launchers though.

I don’t have many reload cabs tbh. No Echo, no Deadman, no Hadron. I have the Omnibox, but that one has been relevant for maybe 2 months since its release years ago :pensive:.

To be fair, I didn’t even try Flywheel on them. I just slapped my Slaughterers on my low PS LB car (yep, it’s a Torero car, I just wanna look good), and now I’m driving some bloated 9k PS 4 wheeler…

I tried them on helis tho, and two things:
1- the blast radius is microscopic. You hit riiight next to the enemy, zero damage
2- the explosion will straight up disappear sometimes if the projectile is falling nearly vertical and hits the ground.

Both are… pretty big downsides for a grenade launcher, ngl…


I’m running mine mostly with Manitou, but just to get some use out of the Manitou. It’s not much but sometimes it works, but Manitou is just such a bad perk no matter how much they try to buff it they just can’t get it right

I hate the new Steppe Spider cab, because it’s just way too good on all missiles, to the point that Dusk no longer is the cabin to go with a sideways pyre build, but Steppe is. Dusk had 1 purpose and now it has no purpose because Steppe Spider is just better no matter what missile you are thinking of running

I just found them a bit slow even with a flywheel without a reloading cab. Without boosting the reload I kind of felt like I should just use a cannon instead.

I was thinking about trying them with omni box/cyclops as the omnibox has a 5% advantage over hadron’s or deadman’s reload with 2 weapons mounted. I had tried it on an echo and it’s nice when the perk is active but you can’t always keep that active. It is pretty snappy reloading on the hadron too though.

Damage wise it is what it is.

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Its not garbage, we use it in Bronze CW. We could use earlier in Silver also but overbuffed OP Broken Swarms disallow us as playing Spiders.

If not Swarm overbuffed, most people would choose Slaughterer.

Slaughterer do more damage than scorpion, but less accurate ofc.
Also its as good as cyclone but quite pop-up so also better here.
Need to learn to charge shots mostly and release immidietly on charged.

In general its good weapon, but again… just Swarm overtaken it.

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