So, How did you come up with your user name?!

It’s adorable though… Remain innocent as long as you can.

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i’ll ask around, i know some weed culture top specialists, just for curiosity, if it’s a thing where i’m from

I reckon there isn’t that much of a difference between either 420.
Both are slippery, fast, and over “excitement” :wink:

Ups, i slipped on this one, went over board and all



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Delta Force: Blackhawk Down

Figured killing peeps made me the hawk of death. When i got to Xbox Live, Deathhawk was already taken, so i wanted to add some numbers that had some kind of meaning. I went with 6x6x6, 216. Two-one-six, not two-sixteen.

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Looks like fun to me!

The “you’re” in the thread title is making me feel insane.
You’re = you are
Your = possessive version of you

Sorry dudes, don’t mean to be a grammar Nazi. Things like that just stand out to me, and tickle my brain in a bad way.
Maybe because of my old job writing and working at newspapers/magazines. My brain is trained to scan for things like that and to catch them before we go to print, and it feels so wrong to just let them stay there.

90% of my post edits are me finding errors in my own writing (although most are autocorrect errors).

Well, purple was always my favorite color, and a “snit” is a nasty, malicious, spiteful creature. It’s funny, I later found out that there was actually a comic book with the same name. I never knew. Anyhow, he sorta looks like me, so it’s a good fit.

Looks loveable to me…


I used to watch FrankieOnPCin1080p and his tag in BF3 was AHappyTeddyBear

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This gamer tag, ObsidianFang came from my rig and, at the time, it was painted in black gold and only had one wingblade up front that looked like a fang. It used to be Smels_like_Brown which I got from being a plumber that smelled like poo on bad days but, when I got bored of the tag, I changed it to this current one. I’ll probably change it again at some point.

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That Snit looks plenty angry! I can just see this guy as you in your crossout builds now LMBO Love it!

It’s all good! No hard feelings :sunglasses: I do my best not to type in early Hillbilly.

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This is what got me to change to my current name as it isn’t/wasn’t my OG name on XO which was a catchphrase!
Forgot which game in this series I watched/played when I thought of my current XO name but the Germans already control the USA in it

Don’t see myself changing names again as I’m not playing for a name change on this game :rofl: and I used up the one free one they give/gave you


we get a free name change once a year.


:thinking: Interesting Thank you for the heads up! Not that I plan any changes but good to know :sunglasses: