So lets all agree WE need a Hard mode/Friendly fire and see the skills we all have… 🤪

The original Caucs were different but players complained about them too much. They were fully AI and would auto target any enemy that got in range. Kind of like carrying around a heavy mg drone turret on your build. When I say heavy they were the most durable mg in the game. Worked well with the TOW in mind as your vehicle could defend itself while you flew the missile strike.

That’s not exactly what I’d call toxic. However if you were able to call for help and they didn’t help that’s kind of toxic. I’d normally say that’s fairly combat realistic your pretty much forced to learn to stay out of line of fire.

Some of the early muds that I use to play were far more brutal than any of the current RPGs around these days. Not only could you PK and and loot items from another player’s deathpile that didn’t agree to combat, you could forcibly reset their characters to 10% (system default) of their earned total exp by repeatedly killing them often enough. Truly toxic players were generally kept at bay like this provided provided there were enough other players to deal with them. I’m not suggesting something like that for here you’d see way too much crying.

This is mostly because of the set up of the matches the remaining active points get slowly lowered in total as the match progresses. The players that don’t think they have score out well get increasingly hungry for those points. You’re perceiving it as being helpful as you were in trouble but what they are actually doing is depriving each other from gaining points. Really depends on how you look at it.

I find it to be kind of unrealistic, even if the game isn’t going for true combat dynamics.

Of course it isn’t, it’s made by people… lol

I can just see the all banned players rioting on the forum trying to appeal bans with I didn’t mean to kill them with the mandrake fire but they ran into where I was aiming. lol… It might not be so bad if it was just a “mode ban” rather than banning them from the entire game.

OOh, they are. picture this.
Puerto Rico, a ship that you could win by playing unrealistic stages or you could pay 240 euros for it.
That ship was initially advertised as free ( it was a PR disaster to keep the story short).
The whales started to buy them, as the ship started to appear in the battles, they started to get sunk by their own teams or focus by everyone.
It was like order 66.
Every Puerto Rico in sight was to be destroyed. That’s one example of many more.

Was my first impression, i was used to see campers, expect no support by tanky builds. To this day brawlers don’t brawl, they are the first to hide away. Regarding the last available points It was the same over there, but they would keep sniping away praying for citadel.
Much more cautious gameplay, selfish gameplay, much slower and unforgiven gameplay. if you make a mistake there’s no turning back, it’s over.
Here, they complain about drones that don’t SD in the end of a match.
there, you can see full health Battleships running away at the end of a match.
Ofc, nowadays i don’t see crossout that pink but at that time it was like day and night,

First thing we’d all do is shoot the guy who’s dropping those #@!%* turrets everywhere.
Second we’d shoot the guy who spawned in front of us for killing us in the previous round.
Who would you kill third? (not counting me)


XO already is hardmode. Compare the motor skills and hand coordination required to play XO vs a run of the mill shooter and tell me this game is easier. Its not, never was, and never will be. Theres aim parallax, driving mechanics, vehicular inertia, you lose effectiveness as you take damage, you have to be responsible for your build and how its put together, you need to check full size map, you need to account for weapon rotation speed. Nothing about this game is easy and that is before the grindwall is hit. I’m tired of seeing XO players bashing other XO players for having no skill (except droners & cam steer hitscan). This game could legitimately be used as a place to recruit engineers and experimental vehicle pilots because of how in depth it is compared to others. A robotic vehicle piloted by 2 guys armed with an autocannon, ATGM launcher, and a diesel electric all wheel steering drive train played like an XO vehicle would be a breakthrough superweapon irl.



isn’t this a MaxxPro? Or maybe a Bradley/BMP?

Drones require a lot of effort, it’s not press W and fire like many other type of builds.
Just try running a drone build to see what i mean, all it takes is a chord or a lupara to ruin your day.

Nope. They dont have omnidirectional movement and those are troop transporters, not combat vehicles.

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Im very cringe and ugly.

World of Tanks removed the friendly fire damage. W.O.T has turned into a similar play style of push & shove to get/steal a kill from your team mates. This has changed that game into a mess. (Keeping it G rated) After careful deliberation perhaps friendly fire and hit damage by ramming & shoving would ease the “me first attitude” of many over zealous players here in XO. It would sharpen ones skill set or cost them providing damage reimbursement to whom they trashed. Or keep it 100% mayhem from low class playstyles

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I played WoT for a long time. Until the first day I tried XO where I could build my own machine. I never logged in again. Sad to hear it devolved to that.

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Yeah a once a good game that has devolved into a Cess pool of toxicity.

common buddy, the real life comparisons are lame. “imagine if the military finds out about crossout, then wars would be all lasers and kabooom kapow and legs and shit and kapkans”. ridiculous.

They probably already know I saw the game name come up in some economics papers on covid and gaming a few years back.

Besides that they already heavily leverage gaming to look for done pilots and train for tactically with them: The Air Force Wants You to Play Video Games in the Name of National Security There are lots of articles on the topic though already though. I’m not even in the same industry but even I know about the cross usage. lol

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DoD contractors are just myopically dumb and industry has been pushing most talent out with impossible education costs and affirmative action. Our stem classes in HS were so underfunded we never had anything but a very underfunded robotics class, one automotive class, and absolutely nothing in the realm of machining and electronics.
Don’t consider the little goofy specific things of XO, but the entire idea of an omnidirectional vehicle piloted by one person that uses smaller simpler weapons like autocannons, ATGM launchers, etc. Crossout is the only game of this type. If Post Scriptum (Now Squad 44) tank combat and crossout were smashed together it’d be a crazy game.

I saw a Honeywell ad earlier today for a commercially available spherical motor. Its just a janky gimbal, but the tech is making progress.

You should check out some of the digital twin robotics stuff: