Solving the “speed inflation” issue

Ya, of course not.

I think you are mistaken. There was a moment when many of us thought we might be able to break the 120 barrier when they reworked the codrivers and added new engines, but I don’t think anyone has ever been able to get past that limit without boosters.

If you can find any reference to that, I will happily admit I’m wrong, but the speed limit is something I’ve been frustrated by for years, and I’m pretty sure I’ve been playing longer than you.

What you might be thinking about is the speed at which a booster build will blow up if it hits a bump. That limit is somewhere above 200km/h, and I have a vague memory of them tinkering with it a few years back.

I don’t have hovers, so IDK what that’s normally supposed to be like, but I tried a build from the exhibition, and that thing went from zero to max speed (75kph) in about three meters (1.5 seconds?)

I’m going to check that, now i have doubts

Man light cabs almost never reach max speed because of their low engine power, you would need a light cab that is like 1 third of it max weight, with expensive wheels to make it drift less while turning and losing speed., i hope they address that too.

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I wouldn’t be too sure about that. I’ve seen heavy cabins breaking 110kph.

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this all just looks like a massive headache.
heres my issue with all of this:
slower, bulkier builds with heavy cabs will be slower, but light cars will be faster and more maneuverable… ok but weapons still have the same hp. faster builds rely on their speed to avoid shots and heavier builds rely on their bulk to absorb damage. but in this day and age its more about who can take off the enemies weapons first. so in hind sight it doesnt matter how much armor or how bulky you are, if you lose your weapons then your just a sitting duck. slower builds rely on their armor and defense to keep their weapons and stay alive, faster builds rely on their speed more. but if your moving faster then their gun can aim well… heavy builds are now at a disadvantage. im not saying this is a bad thing as the brick meta was awful. im just saying they are creating another problem here. will this work? idk.

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That’s a valid concern, although we have more ways of increasing weapon durability now. And heavy cabins are better suited to carry heavier weapons with more durability.
I wish I could access the test server on console. Looking at the numbers, it doesn’t seem like the changes are going to be too drastic. I think bricks will still be viable, but just won’t be as OP.

The unintended consequences are more likely to be around the movement parts with speed caps. Hovers in particular may end up being too fast with the right combination of parts, and omniwheels could also emerge as more powerful than before.
Tracks might also become more popular. They’re already faster and more maneuverable than before, and if they’re able to go even faster with a Finwhale, they could become a lot more relevant in higher and mid PS.

TS is closed now, I guess, but it looks like all my builds tend to go about 1kph slower on the TS. I’ll be fact checking that closer tomorrow, but for me this update looks like a nothing-burger. People with more legendary inventories might see better results. IDK.

I expect Hovers, Melee, and seal-clubbers to be the primary recipients of this award, if anybody gets anything out of it besides a mandate to “build back better.”

The market will probably begin to reveal the winners presently.

Why have they messed about with the engines? Surely if they just wanted to rebalance Heavy/Med/Light they only need to adjust speed on the cabs.
Good that they have given a bonus speed to movement parts from every engine, that’s long overdue.


Does this even make sense? Surely it makes it more excessive, not less? Or is this just bad english?

I think that’s all it is.

From how I read it, they’re trying to say that rather than make heavy and medium cabins significantly slower than they currently are, they have instead made it possible for light cabins to go faster than previously possible.

I do wish they’d get better translators.

yup, had that, a yokozuna + fin + yoko perk

and besides…instead of the “rebelence loop (AGAIN…)” they could have simply made:
heavy cabs - max speed 120
med cabs - max speed 135
light cabs - max speed 150

there, problem solved…

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In as much as the update itself does.

They could have achieved their goals more simply, as with the last couple, but they seem to be going for deeper dives on these balance fixes lately.

I suppose this update is supposed to be nuanced and slight for builds like mine. They even say as much.

I guess it’s actually unremarkable that my builds seem wholly unaffected, as this was the intention.

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Then light cabins would need a base speed increase. You couldn’t reach 150 with current equipment…

Another useless update. Ive been keeping tabs here and there when i drop a deuce, but nothing about server changes, stuff now moves slower, MGs are apparently complete trash. Yup, this update is moving the needle further away from “reinstall” for me.

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it doesnt make a whole lot of sense really… even heavy builds can get up there in speed, heck if you use a booster or twenty it might even break the sound barrier. :crazy_face:
still though… this doesnt solve the issue. there are many cabins that boost peoples speed and even engines that boost it alot to. the cheetah i believe is the one that provides the most power and acceleration then any other engine currently in the game.
honestly though this is just going to bring another level of complexity into the game and another bunch of stats that we really dont need.

this is a major issue then. heavy cabins are supposed to be very tanky thats why they are slow, but in crossout enemies only need to degun you and all that defense and hp isnt going to matter in the slightest. if the enemy is significantly faster then you then it makes them harder to hit, but thats why these lighter vehicles are light, because they need that speed to avoid hits… well that isnt going to matter much as bots have perfect aim and dont miss. the fact of the matter is that team mates in light cars will need to get close to them to degun them before they get taken out. on alot of small cars there isnt much room, cloaks like the chameleons and the legendary one are gigantic and cant fit on many vehicles.

Ya, they can’t fit because of the other three or four modules you are expected to carry these days doesn’t leave room for much else. It’s ridiculous all the perks and modules, and specialty engines and wheels you need to have in a line to make things work. A generator is practically a requirement now because of the stupid odd number they cut into the game with their horrible energy update. That alone uses a lot of space.

If you’re new, good luck with all that. Not to mention the hidden perks that are obfuscated by vague and misleading item descriptions…then spend three hours getting that all straightened out just to get pwnd by some guy with a simple melee build…I’m totally going melee this month…just gonna push W.

I think I get what the goal is here, but, this ain’t it chief. We already had a big speed re-balance (nerf) and it made the game suck then, too.


Some of it I like such as having the engines in general effect max speed of speed capped movement parts. I’m not sure on the values given for each cab and engine though, some of them just seem off to me. If I remember correctly last time they did a rebalance like this it was just to make room for more cabs which mostly ended up being epic or legendary.

I’m kind of curious about the st wheel changes but it seems they are at least leaving the small craft alone with it.

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exuse me, what?
as for power, it’s collosus, and for speed it’s fin…fyi

unless something changed while i wasn’t playing (i haven played it since the bullet crapdate they did)

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