Finwhale is the fastest, then Oppressor, and then Cheetah.
They made Oppressor faster than Cheetah a while back, but a lot of people didn’t notice. Then they introduced Finwhale.
The new engine is slower than Cheetah, right? I haven’t used it enough to memorize the stats yet.
finwhale is the fastest?
but would you want a house and a half on your car? that engines giant!
oppressor is that fast now? i didnt even notice it got a change in its stats. i always thought the cheetah was the fastest but even if the finwhale is faster its alot bigger then the cheetah.
i had a look at its stats and the finwhale is only 1% faster then the cheetah. thats not much… and the cheetah is ALOT smaller then the finwhale and can fit on alot of builds. it and the hot red are both the same size… relatively… minus the little piece on the top of the cheetah. still though i prefer the cheetah over the finwhale. plus the finwhale is supposed to be a heavier engine yet has bad stats for its size in comparison to something like the cheetah. well at least to me it does.
Actually getting to try it now, I dunno. I still feel like this is not really going to address the brick meta very well. There are more factors than speed there. It does make stuff really convoluted, and I feel some engines need more tweaking as if this is also to address Finwhale being the engine to use… It’s still going to be after these changes.
I am often baffled at what to do with all these modules, and then to have an engine as large as the Whale, Oppressor, or Oyuban isn’t very appealing. Building oversized cars is simply more work, frankly. I find it difficult to design anything I like as far as aesthetics goes.
Given that these bricks are mostly hollow it isn’t an issue. Fin is only 1 block taller than the colossus or oppressor and they aren’t a struggle to fit a build around, unless toy cars is your thing. I’d recommend a fused hot red or Cheetah for that anyway. Cheetah despite tanking on the market is still one of my most used engines because it’s still good at it’s job.
We used to fit them all in on the old builds easily enough. Engines used to be used as armour pieces so the fin is one hell of a big slab to get through.
This is a video game. These are all toys, Space Ranger.
the finwhale is 6 x 4 x 4 and has 485 durability.
the cheetah is 4 x 4 x 3 (give or take the little thing at the top) and has 223 durability
now lets compare stats:
tonnage: +4000 kg
mass limit: +1500 kg
max cabin speed: +21%
cabin power: +35%
tonnage: +3000 kg
mass limit: +1000 kg
max cabin speed: +20%
cabin power: +25%
to me the cheetah stands out way more then the finwhale. its smaller, more compact, more powerful and that little +1% to max speed is nothing. the finwhale is bigger yet can only give 1000 kg more of tonnage? it also can only give 500 kg more of mass? common now.
i believe the finwhale used to have +25% max cabin speed before and they nerfed it didnt they? im pretty sure that was the case.
i find the oppressor a very giant engine in comparison to other engines. yes the colossus is big but the oppressor is an engine i never bought because id never find a reason to use it. yeah its powerful but its pointless cause its so big. i only ever used the finwhale / pegasus on my cannon build and that was because the pegasus helps my heavy build get up to speed a little faster. but the engines are so big that it really makes me not want to use them. the oyabun looks nice but its just to big.
its dimensions are 6 x 4 x 3 while the hot red is 4 x 4 x 3. id rather take the hot red over that oversized engine.
if you wanna see something worse look at the generators.
FG aggregator: 6 x 2 x 4 gives 3 energy
Big G: 3 x 2 x 3 gives 2 energy
Ampere: 3 x 2 x 3 gives 4 energy
PU-1 Charge: 6 x 2 x 4 gives 5 energy
Bootstrap: 5 x 4 x 4 gives 7 energy (seriously who the hell runs this thing? its far to massive to use!)
if you think those sizes are gross just look at the chameleons mk 1 and 2. hell even the yeti is grossly oversized. seriously 8 x 6 x 2 wtf with that? where the hell are you going to fit this thing?
chameleon mk 2 is 5 x 4 x 3 and the mk 1 is 6 x 4 x 2
imo they are making modules and stuff far to big.
Many of the maps are too cluttered to be scaling up your cars in the size that is necessary to accommodate all these modules and engines. Smaller cars navigate the tiny maps better. The more you dial up the speed, the more relevant this dynamic becomes, I think.
Also, semi-related since the new pack is in the shop on test server and can be tried out…
Fortunes. Just remove them and give everyone a Doom instead for each one. The new Epic is waaaaay better than the Legendary it’s suppose to be below.
For those complaining about the size of Finwhale and Oppressor, I know what you’re saying, but there are ways to fit them.
In art car builds, I’ll use 1x8 pieces in the front, so that I can recess the engine between the frames. Most fenders are six blocks long, which works perfectly with Finwhale, and is only slightly more awkward with Oppressor.
With this method, you can put the engine in a conventional location and still be able to put a hood over top of it.
With cabins like Jannabi or Harpy, I’ll use the same technique but with the engine behind the cabin, and recessed below the frame.
It makes my cars slightly wider than I prefer, but I can still get the proportions reasonably realistic.
yes…gives biggest speed boost
that’s beside the point m8…the talk was about greatest speed not size…
was faster even before…iirc…cheetah was mainly used by droners, ML, …etc. builds for the reload boost, i think…
ok, just saw the top of the post again, and those numbers are wrong…or was it a ninja nerf i know nothing about?!?
oppressor used to be 27%, and fin 35% spd boost iirc?!?
cheetah had 25% and was light…which was also a reason players used it a lot i think…
I think they’re looking at the new adjusted stats from the test server.
I think they’ve nerfed engines too much, and hopefully the devs will agree after looking at test server data.
With the new values, there’s not enough difference between the engines.
dude they nerfed the finwhale because they said the speed boost was to much.
Fin whale
Speed bonus reduced from 25% to 23%
Comment: we expect that after the weapon rotation speed changes, a significant number of vehicles that use wheels will replace the “Oppressor” with the “Fin whale”, which will make the average speed of armoured vehicles in the game higher. To reduce this effect, we are bringing the speed bonus of the “Fin whale” closer to that of the “Oppressor”.
this was what i found but i think they mightve nerfed it more then that because the speed bonus is 21%.
i think people complained alot about its perk and that it was to overpowered. soooo it got the nerf hammer. again 1% speed boost isnt much of an improvement over the cheetah.
go in game and check it for yourself, i didnt pull those numbers out of thin air, they are in the finwhales stats.
mate…haven’t played since bullet crapdate…
From this answer is obvious that you don’t play most of the game modes. Heavy builds shouldn’t drive faster than hoovers. Where were you during brick meta existed? Report this as well please!
You forgot the perk.
i fullyy agre. it’s (7 X ridiculus X faughable) dimensions are only good if you’re making a Dragster
also, @fuzzthehamster , remember you saying stuff about short chimneys…got 3 here…
i never said they should. heavy builds are supposed to be slow and bulky with alot of armor and defense. though hovers with a heavy cabin might be a slight issue… unless their speed is capped to the cabin as well? its been a long time since i used hovers on a heavy cabin so i cant recall.
the perk on what? finwhale? doesnt it increase the damage resistance of all parts? not in game atm so cant check.
This is how you compared them without the most impotant thing, the perk :
“to me the cheetah stands out way more then the finwhale. its smaller, more compact, more powerful and that little +1% to max speed is nothing. the finwhale is bigger yet can only give 1000 kg more of tonnage? it also can only give 500 kg more of mass? common now.”
Comparing 2 engines without mentioning the most impotant feature is not wise.