Spiders & Hovers Foerever Dominate Top 30

In terms of pure tonnage, Bigrams are impressive. But if you factor their mass iin, much less. +1900 -700, you get +1200 usable tonnage out of each Bigram. You get +970 out of a Bigfoot ST, +1970 out of a Bigfoot for half the power drain, and there’s Sabbath. Sabbaths are pretty much better in terms of tonnage, mass and power drain, plus the power and speed perk, yet you rarely see them.
Yes, you need less Bigrams to carry a maxed mass build… but a good chunk of that mass is going to be Bigrams, so yeah… Not sure that’s a massive advantage. I also feel my 7 Bigrams build is slower than my 10 wheeler, but the setups are quite different. I don’t see why they’d have a different acceleration profile than regular wheels… but it wouldn’t be the first time different movement parts accelerate differently either.

After using them quite a lot, I think Bigrams’ best asset is the height. Anything smaller will struggle to reach your weapons, while you can cab/degun them pretty hard. You can also tank really hard with your frame, something a low-to-the-ground Sabbath can’t do.

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