Stackable Frames?

I think they should let us stack frames, at least to a certain level (two or three high?), or present us with a new set of frames (Lift Kit) that can be stacked on the others, to connect the cab to the lower frames.

…also, they should add cockroaches to the wasteland that flee into hiding when you turn on your headlights.


If so they should have less pass-through or something

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Being taller does provide one with something of an advantage, by obscuring weapons from being de-gunned, allowing players to de-gun others easier, and it also gives a better vantage point for hitting that cab, so ya, perhaps there should be an enhanced vulnerability.

I suppose that would require the feature to be a separate component from the original frames (a lift kit), and not simply be allowing us to stack the already present frames.

I’m not sure that would be necessary, since there are plenty of ways to gain that advantage already.

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I’ve asked for a bunch of funky frames before and they’ve never went for them. I really wanted one that was like floor level and then would go up a pin or 3 before continuing. Mostly so you could level out larger wheels in the rear or front in different ways.


I don’t think this is a funky part idea. It’s simply being allowed to stack already present frames once or twice, and I don’t think it needs to be made more complicated than that.

It would allow for slightly more build freedom, and that’s about it…it might make under-mounting weapons more popular, though. With the issue of de-gunning being so relevant, I’m sure the META would shift somewhere to take advantage of the feature, but whatever.

The idea of small arms fire obliterating cannons from a snipers nest obscured in the distance is already at the summit of Mount Stupid. How bad could this idea be?

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I’ve thought about this myself; you should be able to form a cube made of frames, allowing you to mount a cabin high up. You can sorta achieve the effect now (I’ve done it with hover builds), but it’s a very convoluted process and the rigidity is lacking.

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Or frames could attach anywhere on cabins instead of just the bottom.

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Even if the current frames were able to sit on edge . Thus making it able for a multiple of heights. Easy for a programmer to change a few things right?! Not a programmer, Simply a thought. great idea for a lift kit ! Or a down in the weeds chassis.


They could do any of them really. I usually went with the Z like shape Idea as the edges of the upper and lower could just retain mostly the same edge code, they’d have to copy over some face code from another face of the part in one other spot. As the underside of framing doesn’t allow anything to attach to it. Each vertical pin of the center line would be the lift or drop that it enables. I figured as long as they didn’t let the Z framing attach to itself it’s rather control-able to a max height size.

People are still going to try to abuse them though by doing odd things if they have passthrough though or if we were to have lots of the part. Imagine having to shoot through a large layered framing to just hit a builds parts.

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I think they need to rework how pass through parts function anyway, and this would be a good excuse.

:sunglasses: Oh yes! I am very familiar with the “Z framing” process ! IMHOa great way to lower a vehicle in 1:1 or scale modeling (And in video games). :face_with_monocle: An excellent point I totally forgotten. KUDOS!

I thought about that too or even double thickness frames it could add something new to the table.

Also always wished Decor parts on car did not take from part limit and had its own limit of like 10.

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Along that vein, always wished you could mount more than 2 flares…you could engulf your build in smoke, making it harder for others to pinpoint your weaponry.


When the new “Frame corner” was released in our inventories, I thought COOL! A new frame part ! Nope…
(Bu :zzz: kill) That part itself in multiples could easily allow the ability to "Z " frame components. :roll_eyes: No dice just another armor piece.

Honestly I’d love 1x2 frames too