Starfall not a rising star

Played this game a long time. I trust my gut feeling when someone suggests a ridiculous buff.

I did acknowledge they are not as strong. They are not meant to be equal. There are supposed to be trade offs for the bigger explosion on missed shots.

To suggest they should have parity because they don’t do the damage but have totally different perks is also something I question with my gut feelings.

25% would give them parity with cyclones on damage with the big advantage of much more range, bullet speed and a bit more accuracy.

Yet they’d still be 6 energy vs cyclone’s 5. That’s my logic.

A 5% increase would be meaningless. 10% - 15% maybe we’d see them finally in the ground meta. 20-25% sure maaaaybe they’d be a tad too powerful in heli modes. But we also see cyclones on helis doing just as well.

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I have coined the new term for this expensive weapon as the “Star-fail” The Starfall has a nasty habit of the barrel climbing rather quickly while firing . Even in short bursts. Sure one should adjust they’re fire to compensate , However it over heats quickly without radiators. Some adjustments to this weapon would be beneficial. Perhaps in time as every other component has faced after release.

They already destroy everything in heli mode except Triggers/Destructors (if you allow them to get close enough).

I would much rather see a 5% buff, a test period then another 5% buff than 10, 15 or 25% all at once. These types of knee jerk reaction buffs really imbalance the game and Devs take way to long to undo dumb buffs.

I posted these same thoughts when they buffed GL-55’s by 20%. And yeah, they didn’t turn out to be a plague did they?

These weapons have different purposes. They do not need parity.

“cyclones are shitty and need a 25% buff, because when I compare them to Parsers, they use less energy” seems a dubious argument for a buff. The two weapons do different things. No need for extreme parity.

Again, I do acknowledge that they do need a buff.

Also, what is your testing parameters to arrive at 25%? I ask because you have not provided the parameters for your test and the actual number results. For example are you testing with one or a pair, how are you testing the explosion radius and which cabin? etc.

I would like to verify your testing, I am open to changing my opinion.

I 100% agree a buff that big should probably be done in steps but I think we can assume it will spend time on test server regardless. I think they’d probably shoot for the target adjustment instead of doing it in increments just for the sake of keeping changes small.

Let me say that a 25% buff is not what I’m strongly for necessarily it was a rough # thrown out there and that was not considering the perk. Of course 25% WITH the perk will definitely feel way too strong when it procs. I was mainly pointing out that a large buff like that would easily make it as popular as their comps like cyclone and Stillwind without overtaking them.

I think a 15% buff would be the most reasonable and balanced amount to the avg player’s pov since we have to consider the perk.

Oh and definitely the impulses were incredibly strong but that kind of buff is very different than a simple damage adjustment. Their entire usability as a high dmg weapon became too simple for the type of high dmg weapon it is.

If the impulses had doubled their minuscule size, that also would’ve instantly nerfed them back to balance.

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Cyclone just needs a nerf tbh. Im using it RN as my new main weapon and its busted as shit. Im full auto degunning people in seconds 100+ meters away with it. I could never hope to do this with any other weapon. These things do more raw damage than my pre nerf astraeus and I can even shut down whirlwinds with sheer volume of fire that they cannot match.
Starfalls do need a buff though, they really do suck with 10 base damage when Therm has 9-10 ish and Joule has 13. 20 damage but they overheat and fire way faster. So they go brarararararat for a few seconds and chill for a bit. Burst autocannon would be cool. Cyclone does about 20 damage, Stillwind does about 33, so it would be reasonable at 20 dmg.

I did all the tests I could think of this seems to fit. 3-5% is way too low.

It’s really hard to test the explosion perk on the starfall consistently.
I also noticed Starfall has excellent mounting points on the sides of the gun allowing more versatility in mounting.

Starfall’s efficiency depends entirely on your accuracy. 100% hit rate? Starfall sucks. 0% hit rate? Starfall infinitely better than anything else.

I’d recommend practicing tap fire instead of spending money on it.