Steampunk, Locomotives.. why not?

So I managed to combine an interesting train looks with effective pvp build and thought… this game could really use some steampunk train theme. We have Machinist cab… that’s cool, but not nearly enough. We need a proper train honk and cab. Some would love flexible contact 2M module like they use for bots in pve sometimes.


nicely done…a lot of hyperborea’s structural parts does have a steampunk-ish feal to them…


What the heck is a steampunk?

its basically like steam powered machines or a machine aesthetic. so lots of cogs, gears, etc. look it up on google, im sure they got plenty of images.
something like this

actually i seen someone wanting a steam punk themed faction as well before. id love it to, really id love to see steampunk themed weapons and cannons and alot more. it would bring a nice concept into the game and some interesting looking weapons and whatnot to.

add steampunk faction and nuclear faction in the game please devs! :flushed:


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I don’t know If you play ESO (Elder Scrolls Online), but the Clockwork City DLC in that game has a steampunk theme (kinda).

If they did a Steam Punk season with lots of SP decor pieces including a steam duck, I’m all in.

I’d love a purple mad hatter top hat decor bobble also.

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It’s a futuristic view from an 1800’s viewpoint.