Stop forcing players to play what they don't want to

You didnt understand what was said here… Please read again.

Im asking for not having to go through the trouble to creat menial unnececarry builds to complete challenges for the content of whom i have already paid for. Sounds more than fair to me.

90% of those missions can be finished through patrol.
Do you actually think that any sane person would go into even more hustle and create actually competitive builds with said weapons that he/she has no reason to play if it wasnt for the challenges, and finish missions through pvp?

You have the illusion that those missions play somekind of important role in anything or provide variation. Do yourself a favor and snap out of that, they dont.

All they are is menial tasks needed to complete paid content.
All the company is doing atm is making it even more menial, by putting players through the trouble of playing stuff they dont care for, in a game supposedly advocating for freedom of building and playing.

This is an extremely faulty logic and i am not going through the trouble of explaining why, my explanations so far have been more than adequate.
Apparently we have a very different worldview so i end my part of the discussion here.

One thing I have noticed over the years on the forum is that the players who only play one type of build or a very limited selection of weapons and/or strategy are also the ones who seem to enjoy the game the least.
I like that challenges get me to experiment with weapons that I don’t often use. Keeps things more interesting for me.
But I guess if you don’t find that aspect of the game amusing, you’re going to resent it.
Maybe the devs should change things to please the people who are having a bad time, or maybe there’s just no way to keep everyone happy?


such is life lol


ppl just think ive put money in the game nd the devs should make the game how they want it :joy: :rofl:


Stop forcing player to play what they don’t want to

Fixed it.

Play’s CW and thinks he owns the business.

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My clan leader’s flying armored vehicle has one Fuse Drone, one Spark, two Buzzsaws. Completes every daily mission without changes. I do not own a Spark yet. :frowning_face:


this is entertaining. anyone want some popcorn to watch the show?

as much as i hate “challenges” i truly think playing to get your paid rewards would be more boring without them (apart from being forced to play heliglopter missions)