Suggestion for new theme

Hey, so i was thinking that recent jap. Cars theme doesnt really fit. How about warhammer? Or at least stuff “inspired” by warhammer i think it would fit and could have big potencial. Thanks for all answers.

The Syndicate are the one eastern faction, I think it’s fine. We have Founders, Hyperborea as well as the base factions which are all quite unique while having an aesthetic relevant to a post apocalyptic theme with their own twist.

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Official CKs for the Elephant/Goliath would be cool, Leman Russ turret and tracks, respectively.

But how well would Warhammer fit? If East Asia (part of where Crossout takes place) doesn’t fit, how would the 41st millennium?


Would be nice to see the ravagers become a full fledged faction.
Not sure if the lore allows for that.

I wouldn’t mind seeing a desert faction, although I don’t have any idea what that would entail, other than some tires and tracks that work well on sand.

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Swamp faction.

Bring the lift kits, and let us get jacked up and drive around on a swamp map.


Maybe some swamp/forest maps to go with it.

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You definitely need one of these worked into the faction.


That be cool! Finally, YOU CAN CRAFT THE ADAPTER!


nuclear faction would be awesome. would love to have some big booms going off :crazy_face:


I see your point. If we take it from plot perspective there could be event with ship wreck crashsite? And i think in future where are robotic legs and icaruses there would be for sure space for wh stuff. I just think that crossout could use more structure and moving parts… there are tons of wheels but only few legs,icaruses,rotors (sry dont remembre category of icarus :smiley: ) also i like look of jap style but it doesnt sit with me right in this setting.
(Sorry for language english is my second)
All best to you :slight_smile: