You know how in some brawls there are drop down lists that show which parts are mandatory and/or prohibited?
I think they should use a similar mechanism to list perk interactions for parts.
If we look at the info page for an item like Cheetah, we should be able to hover our cursor over the perk description, and have it list all the modules and weapons that are buffed by the perk, as well as listing items that buff Cheetah (like Bigfoots).
A lot of the time the explanations are enough, but the translations aren’t great, and I’ve had to discover too much from trial and error.
i dont run low tonka ps builds, i run monsters of the waste land cuz i have that skill to build thats why im the only 29k ps non levi battle ready player in this game
I like Poony’s idea. There’s alot of information we don’t get except through trial and error.
For instance, let’s say you have the reloaders; there should be a drop-down that shows you exactly what weapons would benefit from a reloader. Same with the power unit; it was never clear to me if the power unit benefits ALL plasma weapons or not, until I actually owned the advanced plasma weapons.
And range…let’s say some module has a range of 30 meters. How the heck do I know if I’m 30 meters away from some object? You should be able to hover over the part and it draws a shadow on the ground so you know exactly the boundaries of 30 meters. Maybe not practical during actual combat, but it’d be great to have that feature in the garage yard so you can get a feel for the actual distances.
Good idea!
Might be nice to have some version of that on the range with weapons. To be able to instantly see the actual range of shotguns and MGs would be useful.
A 9k build could absolutely destroy that 29k build. Giant, slow moving, exposed guns? Spectres, Destructors, Low to the ground melee, etc etc. Thats two relics sitting on a houseboat. Easy pickings
I had an issue with the Impeller (tail rotor) perk a while back. It said something about needing to be a certain distance (in meters) from the center of mass for maximum effect, but the build mode uses a different unit (weld points??). I asked the general chat, and the majority of people said 1 meter is 3 weld points. Then I had to go into test drive to see the center of mass (press N), and try to figure out how many pins there were between the center of mass and the Impeller. I want to be able to see center of mass in build mode, so I don’t have this issue.
With the amount of weapons ect in the game atm that could be a pretty long list but it should definitely give weapon types as a starting point. I think that should be the minimal information you should have available just to save checking through every individual part.
It would actually be really handy for modules with limited ranges to light up when they are close enough for use, like a red ring around them similar to how weapons get a ring around them when the perk is active (whirl lights up @30m or whatever it is)
ya if ur a hover panzy who runs away nd hides nd a guy who loves kissing other guys called wedge builds nd what ppl call dog builds, oh nd R’s who need to use aim assist nd camera traction who dont understand what stick control
That’s kinda what’s genius about this build: anything else in its PS range will also be huge and slow. Don’t have to worry about fast 9kPS cars if you never see them in matches.