Suggestion: RAID OVERHAUL (Season suggestion.)

It might just be me, but raids have been, are and always will be boring. It’s PVE. No thrills for me.

Raids take too long for the rewards. More rewards or shorter raids would be better of course.

It’s not a good thing that I’m saying that the only good thing is that they were short fluffy. Games are meant to be fun and enjoyable.

All the raids are boring for me. The shorter and the less time spent not shooting the better. Grinding in this game is already such a massive waste of time compared to spending usd, the raids just make it masochistically boring on top of that.

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Sounds boring as hell, 3 minutes for a PvE item sounds boring.

Raid idea: have a heavily armed truck you have to escort into an enemy-held base, capture it, and have the truck get into position.
You have to protect that truck as it picks up materials.
Escort the truck out, destroying and looting as many enemies as you can.

The escort ones would be fun if the truck could defend itself. This is Crossout, no vehicle should be unarmed.

Did they remove this raid? Because this was a raid at one time.

The similar one is still there but you only pick up two packages and are stopped by one gate with two generators to shut off to open. I think he means more looting as you go.

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Yeah, and the truck is ARMED. This is a huge issue across all escort missions, in almost every game that has them.

Some of the trucks are armed it’s just hard to remember which ones it has the reaper for.

yup that’s the one i was thinking of, thanks!

They’ve had some special events that were kind of race-like. Those were fun.